Recent Publications in Music
385 resultats trouvés
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Church and worship music in the United States : a research and information guide /. :xiii,340pages;.
2017. .
2017. .
2017. Kényszerleszállás. :108.
2017. La música en la Catedral de Orihuela. :377p..
2017. Maria Callas: el adiós a la diva. Señales. 31:350p..
2017. Medieval cantors and their craft : music, liturgy and the shaping of history, 800-1500 /. volume 3:xvii,370pages:.
2017. .
2017. Musik-Urheberrecht österreichisches Urheberrecht für Komponisten, Musiker, Musiknutzer und Produzenten. :247Seiten.
2017. .
2017. .
2017. Performing Nashville : music tourism and country music's main street /. :1onlineresource.
2017. Régi magyar dallamok tára . :1091.
2017. Réz-metszetek . :219.
2017. Rhythm to recovery : a practical guide to using percussion, voice and music for social and emotional development /. :255pages:.
2017. Sociology for music teachers : practical applications /. :xiii,193pages:.
2017. Taonga puoro + singing treasures : the musical instruments of the maori. :132pages:colourillustrations.
2017. Teaching musical improvisation with technology . :xiii,191pages;.
2017. The transformation of black music : the rhythms, the songs, and the ships that make the African diaspora /. :xxxv,240pages:.
2017. The Wolfe Tones phenomenon. :190pages.
2017. Zene : a hangok bűvöletében . Mi micsoda. :48.
2017. .
2016. .
2016. .
2016. .