Recent Publications in Music

432 resultats trouvés
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Abromont C, Boisselier L.  2019.  Guide de l'analyse musicale . :457pages:.
Allen K.  2019.  Hugh Blair : Worcester's forgotten organist /. :1volume:.
Ainge L.  2019.  The influence of piano . :1onlineresource.
Ackfeldt A.  2019.  Islamic semiotic resources in US hip-hop culture.
Anniss M.  2019.  Join the future : bleep techno and the birth of British bass music /. :267pages:.
Annecharico M, Brown G, Fellani M.  2019.  Just thought you should know : a guidance for independent artists from an independent artist on how to 'make it' in the music industry /. :130pages:.
Ákos G.  2019.  Koncertek és élmények : hallgatói írások a Zeneművészeti Intézet hangversenyeiről.. :31.
, Allain M.  2019.  Last night a bidet drenched my wife : misheard lyrics and other outrageous ear-worms... /. :1volume;.
Campos R., Poidevin A., Antille A., Moser V., Duchesneau M, Cano R.López, Ritterman J., Menger P-M, Pasler J., Dejans P. et al..  2019.  L'évaluation de la recherche artistique = Evaluating artistic research /. :1vol.(179-163p.);.
Alcántara-Moral A.  2019.  Los cantes de laboreo de Torredelcampo. Flamenco. 3:336p..
Armstrong L.  2019.  The manager’s tale : New Irish Chamber Orchestra 1970-1980. :392pages.
István N, András S, Emőke S.  2019.  Mezőségi daloskönyv. Kallós Archívum. :472.
Ákos W, Melinda B.  2019.  Mihalovich Ödön. Magyar zeneszerzők. 40:51.
Arnold J.  2019.  Music and faith : conversations in a post-secular age /. :1volume:.
Adkins M, Cummings S.  2019.  Music beyond airports : appraising ambient music /. :ix,234pages:.
Kallio AAnja, Alperson P, Westerlund H.  2019.  Music, education, and religion : intersections and entanglements /. :viii,288pages;.
Akuno EAchieng'.  2019.  Music education in Africa : concept, process, and practice /. :1volume:.
János B, Ádám I.  2019.  Muszorgszkij Hovanscsinája. Musica scientia. :356,110.
Allen L.  2019.  My thoughts exactly . :1volume;.
Abramovich-Gomon A.  2019.  The Nenets' song : a microcosm of a vanishing culture /. :1volume;.
Haupt A, Williams Q, H. Alim S, Jansen E.  2019.  Neva Again : Hip Hop Art, Activism and Education in Post-Apartheid South Africa. :xiii,536.
Adlington R.  2019.  New music theatre in Europe : transformations between 1955-1975 /. :1volume:.
Adlington R.  2019.  New music theatre in Europe : transformations between 1955-1975 /. :1onlineresource:.
Adorno TW, Hoban W, Adorno TW, Adorno TW.  2019.  Night music : essays on music 1928-1962 /. :1volume;.
Adorno TW, Hoban W, Adorno TW, Adorno TW.  2019.  Night music : essays on music 1928-1962 /. :1volume;.
