Recent Publications in Music
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IX Congreso Nacional de la Sociedad Española de Musicología. Musicología en el siglo XXI: nuevos retos, nuevos enfoques. :378p..
2017. Jacinto Guerrero. Amores y amoríos.. :248p..
2017. Jacinto Guerrero. Amores y amoríos. :248p..
2017. The jazz republic : music, race, and American culture in Weimar Germany /. :1onlineresource(xi,311pages)..
2017. The jazz war : radio, Nazism and the struggle for the airwaves in World War II /. 1:1onlineresource(256pages)..
2017. Jews and jazz : improvising ethnicity /. :xiii,195pages;.
2017. .
2017. .
2017. José Menese. La voz de la Cultura Jonda en la Transición Española.. Flamenco. :432p..
2017. .
2017. .
2017. Kabuki to kakumei Roshia : 1928-nen Sadanji Ichiza hōso kōen to Nichi-Ro engeki kōryū /. :387pages:.
2017. .
2017. Katōbushi sanbyakunen . :274pages;.
2017. Keeping the tradition : a history of the music of the Parish of St. Mark, Remuera. :38unumberedpages:colouredillustrations.
2017. Kényszerleszállás. :108.
2017. Kettősfogás. :219.
2017. .
2017. The King's Singer's : gold /. :81pages:.
2017. The King's Singer's : gold /. :81pages:.
2017. Kis magyar zenetörténet. :179.
2017. The Kiwi Pacific Records story Tony Vercoe, talking with Tony Martin. :208pages:colourillustrations.
2017. Klangrum : orglar i Skara stift /. 93:199sidor.
2017. Klangrum : orglar i Skara stift /. 93:199sidor.
2017. .