Recent Publications in Music

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Zunigo X., Wolff L..  2021.  Un public mosaïque : à la découverte des spectateurs de la musique symphonique /. :272pages:.
Bailey C.  2021.  Unbinding gentility : women making music in the nineteenth-century South /. :xviii,292pages:.
Goodyear DTurnbull.  2021.  Uncertain recollections : meandering memoirs of a mediocre musician. :236.
Carenco C..  2021.  Une musicologie entre textes et arts : hommages à Béatrice Ramaut-Chevassus et Alban Ramaut /. :286pages;.
Orringer NR.  2021.  Uniting music and poetry in twentieth-century Spain . :1onlineresource(xvii,255pages):.
Bradley FR.  2021.  Universal tonality : the life and music of William Parker /. :1onlineresource(xi,402pages):.
Steege B.  2021.  An unnatural attitude : phenomenology in Weimar musical thought /. :1onlineresource.
Koprek K.  2021.  Vaš Štolcer : pisma Josipa Štolcera Slavenskog kanoniku Janku Barleu = Your Štolcer: letters from Josip Štolcer Slavenski to Canon Janko Barle. :185.
Bullock DW.  2021.  The Velvet Mafia : the Gay Men Who Ran The Swinging Sixties.. :1onlineresource(270pages).
Cornelius J..  2021.  Victor Bendix, 1851-1926 . 8:137pages:.
[Anonyme].  2021.  Vilde kvinder mørke toner - om køn og musik . :1onlineresource.
Poulsen AMathilde..  2021.  Vilde kvinder, mørke toner. Om køn og musik. . :340p..
Nowlin B.  2021.  Vinyl ventures : my fifty years at Rounder Records /. :xii,320pages:.
Rambarran S.  2021.  Virtual music : sound, music, and image in the digital era /. :234pages:.
Snedden AJohn.  2021.  Vital performance historically informed romantic performance in cultural context /. :1onlineresource.
Oriol E.  2021.  Vivre de la musique à Rome au XVIIIe siècle . 575:xi,578pages:.
Abromont C, Montalembert Ede..  2021.  Vocabulaire de l'harmonie . :1vol.(251p.):.
Parr SM.  2021.  Vocal virtuosity : the origins of the coloratura soprano in nineteenth-century opera /. :1onlineresource(xv,301pages):.
Dobewall M, Carlsson W, Duch MFrancis.  2021.  Voicelanding - Exploring the scenographic potential of acoustic sound in site-sensitive performance [Elektronisk resurs].
Corona LFGarcí, Wiens K.  2021.  Voices of the field : pathways in public ethnomusicology /. :1onlineresource(ix,276pages):.
Koch H-A.  2021.  Von Musen und Musik : zu Oper, Libretto und Singspiel /. :695pages:.
Gademan G.  2021.  Wagner som dramaturg : hur Wagner satte samman sina mytologiska källor till Nibelungens ring samt en liten handbok för att ....
Raussert W.  2021.  'What's going on' : how music shapes the social /. volume 26:209pages:.
Zazulia E.  2021.  Where sight meets sound : the poetics of late-medieval music writing /. :1onlineresource(xxix,308pages):.
Hughes CL.  2021.  Why Bushwick Bill matters . 008:xiii,192pages;.
