Recent Publications in Music
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The world of Bob Dylan . :1onlineresource.
2021. The world of Bob Dylan . :1onlineresource.
2021. Yannick Nézet-Séguin . 50:136pages:.
2021. .
2021. .
2020. .
2020. .
2020. .
2020. .
The 33 1/3 B-sides : new essays by 33 1/3 authors on beloved and underrated albums /. :vii,250pages;.
2020. .
2020. 50 éves a Körmendi Vegyeskar . :160.
2020. 666 songs to make you bang your head until you die : a guide to the monsters of rock and metal /. :1volume:.
2020. .
2020. Aaron Copland : a reader : selected writings, 1923-1972 /. :1onlineresource.
2020. .
2020. .
2020. .
2020. Ad fontem musicae : Thomas Leibnitz zum 65. Geburtstag /. Band 42:614pages:.
2020. Adrian Rollini : the life and music of a jazz rambler /. :xi,506pages:.
2020. Adventures in Kate Bush and theory . :1onlineresource.
2020. After Debussy : music, language, and the margins of philosophy /. :xix,373pages:.
2020. Air und Variationen über BACH Mensch und Werk. :688Seiten.
2020. Ajtón lakattal : zeneszerzés a Kádár-kori Magyarországon : /1956-1989/ . Musica scientia. :432.
2020. AKB48 . :ix,144pages:.