Recent Publications in Music

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Harwell JH, Jenkins KE.  2020.  Theology and Prince . :1onlineresource(xi,166pages).
Rietveld HC.  2020.  This is our house : house music, cultural spaces and technologies /. :1volume..
Harley J.  2020.  Thomas Tallis . :1volume:.
Day M, Ritz D.  2020.  On time : a princely life in funk /. :1volume:.
Mclver J, Attila K, Ádám V.  2020.  To live is to die : Cliff Burton élete, halála és a Metallica hőskora . :265.
Cuevas A, Moreno M.  2020.  Todo era posible: Revistas underground y de contracultura en España, 1968-1983. :260p..
Collier D, Topp G.  2020.  Topp : promoter Gary Topp brought us the world /. :1volume:.
Carr TM.  2020.  A touch of fire : Marie-André Duplessis, the Hôtel-Dieu of Quebec, and the writing of New France /. 1:1onlineresource(x,370pages):.
Hijleh M.  2020.  Towards a global music history : intercultural convergence, fusion, and transformation in the human musical story /. :1volume;.
Naranjo C, Deuster B.  2020.  Tótila Albert Ein Prophet des Dreimal Unser. :180Seiten.
Maier CJ.  2020.  Transcultural sound practices : British Asian dance music as cultural transformation /. :xii,225pages;.
Akutsu T.  2020.  Transforming music education in P-12 schools and the community . :1onlineresource(xiv,240pages).
Vernallis C, Rogers H, Perrott L.  2020.  Transmedia directors : artistry, industry, and new audiovisual aesthetics /. :xvii,509pages;.
Martin T.  2020.  Transnational flamenco : exchange and the individual in British and Spanish flamenco culture /. :1volume:.
Malmborg J.  2020.  Trubbel : berättelsen om Olle Adolphson.
Turner F.  2020.  Try this at home : adventures in songwriting /. :1volume;.
Meredith S.  2020.  Tuk music tradition in Barbados . :1volume;.
Shapiro P.  2020.  Turn the beat around : the secret history of disco /. :xviii,350pages;.
Heal J.  2020.  Twice : the story of K-Pop's greatest girl group /. :1volume:.
Lindsay B.  2020.  Two bold singermen and the English folk revival : the lives, song traditions and legacies of Sam Larner and Harry Cox /. :1volume;.
Fontijn CAnne.  2020.  Uncovering music of early European women (1250-1750) . :1volume:.
Eagle DSpotted.  2020.  Using Soundtrack : produce original music for video, DVD, and multimedia /. :1volume.
O'Brooin JFriis.  2020.  Vaer dig selv og lad andre vaere i fred . :78sider:.
Pál VLászló, Zoltán C.  2020.  Vajda György, generációk gitártanára . :104.
Wagner R, György CPéter, György CPéter, Boldizsár F.  2020.  Válogatott elméleti írások . Zeneszerzők írásai. :264.
