Recent Publications in Music
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Irish harping, 1900-2010: 'it is new strung'. :198pages.
2012. Irish traditional step dancing in north Kerry: a contextual and structural analysis. . :xvii,251pages.
2012. James Brown . :168p.:.
2012. Jethro Tull - the A new day tapes . :volumes:.
2012. .
2012. Joe Harriott : sketches from life /. :39pages:.
2012. John Cage . :180p.:.
2012. The John Lennon letters . :392p.:.
2012. A joint festival of massed male voice choirs : Saturday 24th March, 2012 MCR Arena, Manchester /. :66p.:.
2012. The journals and letters of Susan Burney : music and society in late eighteenth-century England /. :xxi,334p.:.
2012. Junia Reggae : the journey from King Street /. :xii,369pages:.
2012. .
2012. .
2012. .
2012. Kraftwerk : publikation : a biography /. :xix,299p.,[16]p.ofplates:.
2012. Lady blue eyes : [my life with Frank Sinatra] /. :x,388p.:.
2012. Language and music as cognitive systems . :xvii,338p.:.
2012. The last holiday : a memoir /. :319p.:.
2012. Learn to play harmonica : over 100 illustrated chords for blues, rock, country and soul /. :224pages:.
2012. Learn to play ukulele . :192pages:.
2012. .
2012. .
2012. .
2012. Lionel Tertis : the first great virtuoso of the viola /. :xvi,407p.,[24]p.ofplates:.
2012. .