Recent Publications in Music
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2015. .
2015. .
2015. .
An poc ar buile : the life & times of Seán Ó Sé. :xii,196pages.
2015. .
2015. Polka heartland : why the Midwest loves to polka /. :199pages:.
2015. Popular music industries and the state : policy notes. Volume 8 of Routledge Studies in Popular Music:258p.
2015. .
2015. Progresszív zenei lexikon. :279p..
2015. Psalterium Strigoriense Venetiis 1523 : cum notis musicis manuscriptis : (Psalterium Nicolai Olahi). . Musicalia Danubiana, Bavarica et Hungarica. 25, 2:147p.,144t..
2015. .
2015. Qing mo min chu gui zhou xue tang yue ge kao = 清末民初贵州学堂乐歌考 . Guizhou shi fan xue yuan ren lei xue wen ku = 贵州师范学院人类学文库. :249.
2015. .
2015. .
2015. Qu yun ju yu = 曲韵举隅. Zhongguo xi qu yi shu da xi, shi lun juan = 中国戏曲艺术大系. 史论卷. :252.
2015. Qu yun tan li = 曲韵探骊. Zhongguo xi qu yi shu da xi, shi lun juan = 中国戏曲艺术大系. 史论卷. :224.
2015. .
2015. .
2015. Ren yu chuan tong: shi jie wen ming de jiao xiang = 人与传统:世界文明的交响: 第四届北京传统音乐节纪实. Beijing min zu yin yue yan jiu yu chuan bo ji di fa xian chuan tong xi lie cong shu = 北京民族音乐研究与传播基地“发现传统”系列丛书 . :173.
2015. .
2015. Resounding images : medieval intersections of art, music, and sound. Studies in the visual cultures of the Middle Ages . :451pages:illustrations(somecolor);29cm..
2015. .
2015. .
2015. .