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Énekek Szent Márton püspök tiszteletére. :142+CD.
2017. .
2017. Éneklő hangok a Vértes alján : a 40 éves Móri Vegyeskar története : események, emlékek, riportok. :216.
2017. Engaging students with music education : DJ decks, urban music and child-centred learning /. :vi,166pages;.
2017. Engeki kenkyū no kakushin : ningyō jōruri, kabuki kara gendai engeki = The core of the drama study : from bunraku and kabuki to a present-day drama /. :v,353,21pages:.
2017. .
2017. .
2017. .
2017. Estudi codicològic i catalogació del Manuscrit E-VI 293. Un testimoni de la música de tecla a Catalunya a principis del segle XIX. Art i Musicologia. :340p..
2017. .
2017. .
2017. Excursions in world music . :xxiii,514pages:.
2017. Exploring Christian song . :xix,238pages:.
2017. Fender Custom Shop : masterbuilt year xxx, 2017 . :1volume(unpaged):.
2017. Ferruccio Busoni and his legacy . :x,372pages:.
2017. Field recordings from the inside : essays /. :262pages:.
2017. Fifty cents and a box top : the creative life of Nashville session musician Charlie McCoy /. :1onlineresource:.
2017. .
2017. Finding language : the Massey University composer addresses. :171pages;illustrations.
2017. First International Bow Music Conference Proceedings Held at the University of KwaZulu-Natal, February 2016. International bow music conference. :vi,182pages.
2017. Folk song in England . :1onlineresource;.
2017. .
2017. Forever Stardust : David Bowie across the universe /. :259pages;.
2017. Francisco Fleta Polo. Obra compositiva y contribución a la didáctica del violín y la viola.. Música Hispánica. 4:170p..
2017. Franz Berwald . :302Seiten:.