Recent Publications in Music

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Filtres: Becoming-noise-music-style-aesthetics-and-history is   [Clear All Filters]
Evans M.  2017.  Our musical heritage : from Yankee doodle to Carnegie Hall, Broadway, and the Hollywood soundstage /. :viii,532pages:.
Abrahams F, Head P.  2017.  The Oxford handbook of choral pedagogy. :xx,545pages:illustrations,music;26cm.
Szilágyi E, Fazakas I, Bánföldi T.  2017.  Parlando : esszék, kritikák, versek . :103.
Lanczkor-Kocsis K.  2017.  A partita művészete : Johann Sebastian Bach a-moll szóló fuvolaművének /BWV 1013/ vizsgálata. :310.
Sánchez-Sánchez G.  2017.  Pedro Sosa López (1887-1953). Biografía, estilo compositivo y catálogo de obras.. :250p..
Holley C.  2017.  A perfectly good guitar : musicians on their favorite instruments /. :xii,196pages:.
Fry RW.  2017.  Performing Nashville : music tourism and country music's main street /. :1onlineresource.
Moore R.  2017.  Performing propaganda : musical life and culture in Paris, 1914-1918 /. :1onlineresource(256pages)..
Ahlers M, Jacke C.  2017.  Perspectives on German popular music . :xvii,320pages;.
Dodd R..  2017.  Perspectives on the music of Christopher Fox : straight lines in broken times /. :xvi,174pages:.
Beres K, Hahn C.  2017.  The pianist's guide to standard teaching and performance concertos : an invaluable resource of keyboard concertos from baroque through contemporary periods for teachers, students, and performers /. :ix,133pages;.
Matsuyama S'ya..  2017.  Piēru barū to saraba no jidai . :234,4pages;.
Murga-Castro I.  2017.  Poetas del cuerpo. La danza de la Edad de Plata.. :496p..
Schmidt PK, Colwell R.  2017.  Policy and the political life of music education : standpoints for understanding and action /. :1onlineresource..
Robinson T.  2017.  Popular music theory and analysis : a research and information guide . :1onlineresource..
Ignácz Á.  2017.  Populáris zene és államhatalom : tizenöt tanulmány . :319.
Burton JAdams.  2017.  Posthuman rap . :xv,155pages:.
J. Bennett H.  2017.  The prodigal Rogerson : the tragic, hilarious, and possibly apocryphal story of Circle Jerks bassist Roger Rogerson in the golden age of LA punk, 1979-1996 /. :94pages:.
Szenczi-Molnár A, Vásárhelyi J.  2017.  Psalterium Ungaricum; Kis katekizmus. Bibliotheca Hungarica antiqua. 46:432,69p.:ill.+1mell.(54p.).
Echard W.  2017.  Psychedelic popular music : a history through musical topic theory /. :291pages:.
Kagerland P.  2017.  Punklyrik : svenska punktexter 1977-1982 /. :309pages:.
Holroyd A.  2017.  Reassuring 18th century Protestants : the librettist's intended message for Handel's 'Messiah' : explored within the context of early 18th century belief /. :viii,522pages;.
Csomasz-Tóth K, Ferenczi I.  2017.  Régi magyar dallamok tára . :1091.
Dyck K.  2017.  Reichsrock : the international web of white-power and Neo-Nazi hate music /. :x,198pages;.
Terauchi N, Shiba S.  2017.  Reirin gakuyū : Shiba Sukeyasu to gagaku no gendai /. :263,ixpages:.
