Recent Publications in Music

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Campaign Choirs Writing Collective,.  2018.  Singing for our lives : stories from the street choirs /. :371pages:.
Paterson L.  2018.  Singing the crusades : French and Occitan Lyric responses to the crusading movements, 1137-1336 /. :1onlineresource..
Lundberg D.  2018.  Singing through the bars : prison songs as identity markers and as cultural heritage.
Henderson J, Jarvis T.  2018.  Sir William Henry Harris : organist, choir trainer and composer /. :viii,325pages:.
Henderson J, Jarvis T.  2018.  Sir William Henry Harris : organist, choir trainer and composer /. :viii,325pages:.
Devidayal N.  2018.  The Sixth String of Vilayat Khan. :264pages.
Bonds MEvan., Tsuchida E..  2018.  Sonata keishiki no shūjigaku = ソナタ形式の修辞学 kotenha no ongaku keishikiron /. :326,42pages;.
McQuarrie F.  2018.  Song book : 21 songs from 10 years (1964-74) /. :156pages.
Pantin R, Venegas M.  2018.  Songo : (for children, early years settings & practitioners) /. :69pages:.
Pantin R, Venegas M.  2018.  Songo : (for children & families) /. :49pages:.
Tomes S.  2018.  Speaking the piano : reflections on learning and teaching /. :1onlineresource..
Curnow W, Te Uru Waitakere Contemporary Gallery.  2018.  Splash five 1987 : From Scratch special issue 2018. :129.
W. Walker I.  2018.  Stirring my soul to sing : overcoming ADHD through song /. :1volume.
Musawa S, Gusau S'iduMuhammad, Mustapha S'aibu, Danmaigoro A, Sabe BAbu.  2018.  Studies in the Songs of Dr. Mamman Shata Katsina. :x,579.
[Anonyme].  2018.  Svijet jazza : od Adorna do Zorna : antologija tekstova. :705.
Janjik MJurić.  2018.  Svjedočanstva dvojice hrvatskih autora 16. stoljeća kao izvori podataka o tursko-osmanlijskoj glazbi. Odjeci bitke kod Sigeta i mita o Nikoli Šubiću Zrinskom u umjetnosti = The Impact of the Battle of Szigetvár and the Myth of Nikola Šubić Zrinjski on the Arts (Music, Visual Arts, Literature).
Béres J, Béres K, Robinson R.  2018.  Szép magyar ének Gyermekdalok, népdalok, népies dalok és szent énekek . :847.
Kokuritsu Gekijō..  2018.  Taishō jūnen taishō jūichinen . Nagoyahen-12:515pages;.
Washida K.  2018.  Taishō=rekishi no odoriba to wa nani ka : gendai no kiten o saguru = 大正=歴史の踊り場とは何か :. 674:268pages:.
[Anonyme].  2018.  Tarantismo observado en España, con que se prueba el de La Pulla. :178p..
McCabe S.  2018.  Tarot makes music : uncovering the surprising connection between tarot, modern music & creativity /. :72pages:.
Fábián É, Juhász Z.  2018.  Tatros partján : gyimesbükki daloskönyv . :70+1CD.
Vass B.  2018.  Térzenetér : zene a társas térben tudományos konferencia . :125.
Noble J, Trelawny P.  2018.  That jealous demon, my wretched health : disease, death and composers /. :1onlineresource:.
Museum O.  2018.  Things change : Martin phillipps and The Chills : exhibition catalogue . :34.
