Hungary / Magyarország

AIBM Magyar Nemzeti Csoport
Zenei Könyvtárak Nemzetközi Szövetsége Magyar Nemzeti Csoport
IAML Hungary

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IAML Hungary (Zenei Könyvtárak Nemzetközi Szövetsége Magyar Nemzeti Csoport, for short: AIBM Magyar Nemzeti Csoport) has had a long process of development to an independent organisation, and therefore – unusually – it can celebrate three founding anniversaries.

In 1971, Iván Pethes announced the formation of the Hungarian IAML branch at the IAML Congress in St. Gallen. At that time, 15 Hungarian libraries were members of the international organisation through subscriptions to Fontes artis musicae. Initially, the Hungarian Branch was operating within the framework of the Music Section of the Hungarian Librarians’ Association (MKE).

In 1973 the Ministry of Culture granted permission for the establishment of the Hungarian National Committee of IAML within the framework of the National Library and Documentation Council. The Hungarian National Committee represented the most important Hungarian music libraries, its members were very active in the work of the international music repertories (RILM, RISM, RIdIM, RIPM) and it was possible for one or two Hungarian delegates to be present at the annual conferences.

After 1989, the role of the state in supporting culture in Hungary was significantly reduced, and libraries could not find sufficient resources to participate in international projects and conferences. While there were 16 Hungarian members of IAML in 1989, this number fell to 7 at the turn of the millennium. As a result of persistent outreach and dissemination work, an independent public-benefit organisation was established in 2005 with ten institutions and two individual members. There are currently 20 members of IAML Hungary.

In the last decades, our activities have been focused on three main tasks:

  1. to facilitate Hungary’s participation in the IAML congresses, to disseminate foreign results and to promote the application of good practices;
  2. to provide basic knowledge in music and librarianship, as well as specialised knowledge in the field of music documents (cataloguing, information service, digitisation etc.) through our 120-hour training programme modules.
  3. IAML Hungary has undertaken the task of re-launching the Hungarian data service for RILM and RISM. Financial support was provided by the National Cultural Fund until 2020.

In order to implement our professional programmes, we have established close links with the Music Section of the Hungarian Librarians’ Association, the Library Institute of the National Széchényi Library and we are members of the Hungarian Music Council. We organise an annual professional day, often in cooperation with the Music Section. On two occasions we had the opportunity to exchange experiences internationally: in 2009 we organised joint programmes with members of the IAML UK and Ireland and in 2010 with members of the IAML Austria.

In 1981 IAML Hungary was the host of the annual IAML congress in Budapest. Hungary has given three vice-presidents to IAML: Iván Pethes 1973–1976, János Kárpáti 1980–1986, and Balázs Mikusi 2016–2019. All three have served on the boards of several sections and committees.

Board members:

President: Ferenc János Szabó (BTK Zenetudományi Intézet, Liszt Ferenc Zeneművészeti Egyetem, Budapest)
Secretary: Rita Kaizinger (MNF Magyar Nemzeti Filharmonikus Zenekar, Énekkar és Kottatár Nonprofit Kft.)
Julianna Gócza (AIBM Magyar Nemzeti Csoport)
This page was updated on: 
4 juil 2023


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