Estonia / Eesti

Eesti Muusikakogude Ühendus / Estonian Music Library Association (EMKÜ)
IAML Estonia / IAML Estonian branch

To connect with a board member of IAML Estonia, send a message to

The Estonian Music Library Association (EMLA) was founded in 1991 with the aim to establish a network of Estonian music libraries and promote cooperation among music librarians as well as to support interests of the profession. Since 1994 EMLA is the IAML Estonian branch. The 2003 IAML Congress took place in Tallinn, Estonia, 6-11 July. 

Present membership represents different types of libraries and archives: music academy library, national library, university library, public libraries, traditional music centre and composer’s personal archive, and individual members. Twice yearly EMLA organizes training courses for music librarians to develop professional competencies and contribute to the improvement of music services offered by music libraries and archives.

Board members:

President Heidi Heinmaa (National Library of Estonia, Tallinn)
Vice President: Ilvi Rauna (Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre Library, Tallinn)
Other Board members: Avo Kartul (Tartu University Library)
  Ene Roost (Pärnu Central Library)
  Meery Salu (Tartu Public Library)
  Inga Ronk (Estonian Traditional Music Centre, Viljandi)
This page was updated on: 
11 avr 2023


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