Working Group for Libraries in Music Teaching Institutions and Accreditation
This working group was active from 2011 to 2014.
Overseen by the Libraries in Music Teaching Institutions Branch
"To examine the issue of quality assurance in libraries, as a criterion in the accreditation on music teaching institutions and, if appropriate, arrive at a programme of advocacy".
The working group, proposed by Pia Shekhter at the end of her term as Chair of the Libraries in Music Institutions branch, takes into account the need to discuss the relationship between music libraries and the worldwide process of accreditation of music teaching institutions. The issue was previously presented in papers held at the LIMTI sessions of the IAML conferences in Moscow (2010) and Dublin (2011) also by guests invited from other associations.
The WG was approved for a three years term by the IAML Council in Dublin (2011). It held its first meeting at the Montréal conference.
Chair: Federica Riva (Biblioteca del Conservatorio L. Cherubini Firenze)