IMC 6th World Forum on Music

IAML and RISM at the IMC World Forum

I had the great privilege to attend the IMC 6th World Forum on Music in Paris, 28 September-1 October. The International Music Council (IMC) was founded in 1949 by UNESCO and the Forum was combined with a celebration of its 70th Anniversary. I represented IAML together with Stanisław Hrabia, IAML’s President and Klaus Keil, Director of the RISM Central Editorial Office. We enjoyed inspirational lectures, panel discussions, poster presentations, an exhibition, several concerts … and cocktails. As always, networking was an important part of the meeting.

RISM at the International Music Council's "70 Projects for 70 Years" Exhibition

IMC's 5 Music RightsThe International Music Council (IMC) will celebrate its 70th anniversary this year and will mark the occasion during the 6th World Forum of Music, which will take place from 27 September to 1 October 2019 in Paris. At the center of the Forum is the IMC's 5 Music Rights statement that "advocates access to music for all."  The IMC will feature an exhibition called "70 Projects for 70 Years" that highlights efforts made by IMC members to implement the 5 Music Rights.

Be Inspired by the European Agenda for Music

Cooperation with international organizations is among IAML’s main objectives. In recent months, cooperation with the European Music Council (EMC), regional group of the International Music Council (IMC), has become particularly important. Pia Shekhter, IAML Secretary General, has just reported on her participation at the European Forum on Music 2018, 7-10 June in Oslo.

The Secretary General represents IAML at European Forum on Music

IAML Secretary General, Pia Shekhter, represented IAML at the European Forum on Music, 7-10 June, in Oslo. The theme of the conference was "Looking Back - Looking Forward. The Future of Europe's Musical Roots". She seized the opportunity to declare to the Forum that "Music libraries, archives and documentation centres play an indispensable role when it comes to secure "the future of Europe’s musical roots".


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