Congress Diary / Kongresstagebuch / Journal de bord du Congrès

IAML Prague Congress Diary #3: Some stream-of-consciousness reminiscences of IAML Prague, July 2022 (UK)

Horses in PragueThe following Congress Diary has reached us from John Wagstaff, UK: Everyone happy to be face-to-face again – Acquaintances renewed, lots of new people to meet – Am I supposed to be at the Municipal Library or the National Library? (inevitably choosing the wrong one every time) – Grilled chicken salad (delicious) ... 

IAML Prague Congress Diary #2: First-time Board Member Perspective (UK)

IAML at 70 display

The following Congress Diary has reached us from Anna Pensaert (Cambridge University Library and the Pendlebury Library of Music, UK): Prague 2022 was my first in person congress as a Board member. In 2020 and 2021 the Board had been very busy meeting online, finding our place in and working our way through some very challenging times.

IAML Prague Congress Diary #1: Terugblik op IAML 2022 in Praag (Netherlands)

Dutch-speaking IAML membersThe first IAML Congress Diary from Prague reaches us from the Nederlandse Vereniging van Muziekbibliotheken (IAML Netherlands): Ongeveer 275 muziekinformatieprofessionals uit 27 landen kwamen van 24 tot 30 juli samen in de fraaie Tsjechische hoofdstad Praag voor het IAML-congres...

Learning despite unique situations (Carolyn Dow, United States)

IAML Online Meeting Diary #1: Carolyn Dow, Lincoln City Libraries (retired): While IAML’s 2020 virtual conference was not the Congress in Prague we had been anticipating, it was a wonderful week of interacting with and learning from our colleagues all around the world. Sessions throughout the week were offered at different times, allowing participants in different time zones some convenient sessions. Overall, the focus of the week was on our libraries’ (and institution’s) responses to Covid-19. What I took from the week was that we can learn from each other’s responses, no matter the library sector, or the location, or the extent of the pandemic, even though we are all in unique situations.

IAML Kraków Congress Diary #12: VAUT LE VOYAGE! (Netherlands)

The twelfth Congress Diary comes from Gert Floor, a member of  Nederlandse Vereniging van Muziekbibliotheken, Muziekarchieven en Muziekdocumentatiecentra (NVMB):

Eerste indruk van Polen per spoor: Polen is een rijk land w.b. landbouw en (gecultiveerde?) natuur. Ook Warschau maakt een welvarende indruk.

Eerste indruk bij aankomst in Krakòw: wat een drukte!! Wat een kermis die Grote Markt! Pas later leerde ik daar doorheen te kijken en vond ik het heel sfeervol. Alles is te belopen!


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