Publication Type:
Artefactum -- nakladatelství Ústavu dějin umění AV ČR, v. v. i., ve spolupráci s Ústavem pro českou literaturu AV ČR, v.v.i., a Etnologickým ústavem AV ČR, v.v.i. - Kabinetem hudební historie,, [Praha] Czech Republic, p.155 pages : (2016)ISBN:
8086890880Call Number:
(OCoLC)fst00815400, (OCoLC)fst00815413, (OCoLC)fst00817986, (OCoLC)fst00818137, (OCoLC)fst00855249, (OCoLC)fst00855745, (OCoLC)fst00856384, 20th century, Art and literature, Art and literature., Art and music, Art and music., Arts, Czech, Arts, Czech., Arts, Modern, Arts, Modern., Children in art, Children in art., Children's drawings, Children's drawings., Children's poetry, Czech, Children's poetry, Czech., Czech Republic, Czechoslovakia, Exhibitions., fastNotes:
Czech and English.Catalog of the exhibitions held from January 27 - April 30, 2017 at the Oblastní galerie in Liberec, organized in collaboration with the Ústav dějin umění AV ČR.The accompanying compact disc features a recording by the Dětský pěvecký sbor Radost of Kabeláč's Modré nebe (Blue sky), inspired by the works of Čapek and Hrubín, as well as recitations of poems by Hrubín and Skácel by the Dismanův rozhlasový dětský soubor, whose members also contributed many drawings published in the catalog.Includes bibliographical references.
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