Recent Publications in Music

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Allen K.  2019.  Hugh Blair : Worcester's forgotten organist /. :1volume:.
Gregory G, Lloyd D.  2019.  The Human League : austerity & dreams : Sheffield 1978 /. HA022:32unnumberedpages:.
Gábriel S.  2019.  Hymnuale ecclesiae Zagrabiensis : Metropolitanska knjižnica Zagrebačke nadbiskupije, MR 21/ : Hagyománytisztelet és egyéni alakítás a zágrábi székesegyház 15. század eleji himnáriumában. Resonemus pariter : műhelytanulmányok a középkori zenetörténethez.
Day T.  2019.  I saw eternity the other night : King's College, Cambridge, and an English singing style /. :1volume:.
Morea M.  2019.  I will always love you : the loves, break-ups and songs that have made history /. :139pages:.
Fifield C.  2019.  Ibbs and Tillett : the rise and fall of a musical empire /. :1volume.
Mariño CGil, Miranda L.  2019.  Identity mediations in Latin American cinema and beyond : culture, music and transnational discourses /. :1onlineresource(ix,395pages.)..
Mariño CGil, Miranda L.  2019.  Identity mediations in Latin American cinema and beyond : culture, music and transnational discourses /. :1volume;.
de Diego-Romero J.  2019.  Idomeneo: La proyección de un mito. De Homero a Mozart. :22.
Shay A.  2019.  The Igor Moiseyev Dance Company : Dancing Diplomats /. :1onlineresource(x,224pages):.
Johnson A.  2019.  In my life : a music memoir /. :x,258pages,8unnumberedpagesofplates:.
Denyer F.  2019.  In the Margins of Composition . :vi,161pages:.
Basford J.  2019.  Index of Mirecourt luthiers 1896 . :28pages;.
Parker M.  2019.  An index to music in selected historical anthologies of Western art music . volume 40:2volumes(xxxii,759pages);.
Ngema V, Mapaya MGeoff, Manganye NNyiko, Mojalefa MJerry.  2019.  Indigenous Music in South Africa : An Introduction. :174.
Cyrino MPereira.  2019.  An inexplicable hunger : flutist)body(flute (dis)encounters.
Bullock DW.  2019.  The infamous Cherry Sisters : the worst act in vaudeville /. :vii,206pages;.
Toop D.  2019.  Inflamed invisible : collected writings on art and sound, 1976-2018 /. :vii,292pages;.
Ainge L.  2019.  The influence of piano . :1onlineresource.
Mátyás B.  2019.  Információelmélet és népzenekutatás . :344.
Hepworth-Sawyer R, Hodgson J, Paterson J, Toulson R.  2019.  Innovation in music : performance, production, technology, and business /. :ix,529pages:.
Hepworth-Sawyer R, Hodgson J, Paterson J, Toulson R.  2019.  Innovation in music : performance, production, technology, and business /. :1volume:.
Hepworth-Sawyer R, Hodgson J, Paterson J, Toulson R.  2019.  Innovation in music : performance, production, technology, and business /. :1onlineresource:.
Montoro-Bermejo A-D.  2019.  Inspiraciones flamencas en la obra de Mariano Medina Seguí. Historia. :44.
Banks J.  2019.  The instrumental consort repertory of the late fifteenth century . :1onlineresource..
