Recent Publications in Music

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Filters: Bang-bang-crash-memoir is   [Clear All Filters]
Forde E.  2024.  1999 : the year the record industry lost control /. :xiii,557pages;.
[Anonymous].  2024.  Achtung International! : Salzburg & 100 Jahre Internationale Gesellschaft für Neue Musik = Salzburg & 100 years of the International Society for Contemporary Music: /. :439pages:.
Potter T.  2024.  Adolf Busch : the life of an honest musician /. :2volumes(1,434pages):.
Wallenstein S-O.  2024.  Adornos musik.
Emdén F, Sköld Mmusiker.  2024.  Alltid nästan där : genom Sverige med Lars Winnerbäck.
Gagge K.  2024.  Amanda Maier-Röntgen.
West B.  2024.  The American musical : evolution of an art form /. :xii,415pages:.
Grajter M.  2024.  Applying translation theory to musicological research . volume 27:xxxii,153pages:.
Saijonmaa A.  2024.  Arja : en sång om frihet.
Batiste LD.  2024.  The art and business of songwriting . :xiv,228pages:.
Crooks J..  2024.  Bach's Architecture of Gratitude : On the Genius of the Mass in B Minor. . :210p..
Uimonen H, Kilpiö K, Kytö M.  2024.  Background music cultures in Finnish urban life . :76pages:.
Ahn P, Cho M, Gonzalez VVicuña, Neutill R, Nguyen MThi, Wong Y.  2024.  Bangtan remixed : a critical BTS reader /. :1onlineresource(xv,416pages):.
Legler M, Helm A, Kubik R.  2024.  Barocke Tänze und ihre musikalische Umsetzung Ein Lehrbuch. :140Seiten.
Albrecht T.  2024.  Beethoven's ninth symphony : rehearsing and performing its 1824 premiere /. :xxxix,282pages:.
Stoyanova V, Perry J.  2024.  Berklee contemporary music theory . :viii,159pages:.
Winkler K.  2024.  On Bette Midler : an opinionated guide /. :xxvii,201pages,16unnumberedpagesofplates:.
Bradshaw P, Gray A, Riley M.  2024.  Beyond the bassline : 500 years of black British music /. :286pages:.
Alexander P.  2024.  Bitter crop : the heartache and triumph of Billie Holiday's last year /. :353pages:.
McKenzie DDixon, Muir P, Ingalls MMarie.  2024.  Black British gospel music : from the Windrush generation to Black Lives Matter /. :ix,252pages:.
Franklin P.  2024.  Britten experienced : modernism, musicology and sentiment /. :ix,115pages:.
Young T.  2024.  The Cambridge companion to composition . :xxiv,334pages:.
