Recent Publications in Music

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Bathurst R, Gilling DF, Rasmussen SJ.  2019.  Orchestras : a model for social and organizational development /. :1onlineresource(xiii,206pages)..
Mayas M.  2019.  Orchestrating timbre : unfolding processes of timbre and memory in improvisational piano performance.
Jacobs-Jenkins B.  2019.  The original Broadway cast recording's Hamilton . :1volume;.
Gurd SAlexander.  2019.  The origins of music theory in the age of Plato . :1onlineresource:.
De Filippi S, Costas DVaracalli, Sachs H, Sequeira J.  2019.  The other Toscanini : the life and works of Héctor Panizza /. number 13:xiii,363pages;.
Webb MD.  2019.  Ottorino Respighi : his life and times /. :1volume;.
Júlia T.  2019.  Ötven év üzenete : Kodály Zoltán zenepedagógiai öröksége Magyarországon és a nagyvilágban. :95.
Beye A, Ndiaye SNdéné.  2019.  Oumar Pène : L'histoire D'une Épopée Musicale. :156.
Stone S.  2019.  Outreach for music librarians. Music Library Association basic manual series. :xi,171pages.
Julien O, Levaux C.  2019.  Over and over : exploring repetition in popular music /. :1volume:.
Kim Y, Gilman SL.  2019.  The Oxford handbook of music and the body . :xiv,458pages;.
Thaut M, Hodges DA.  2019.  The Oxford handbook of music and the brain . :xi,835pages:.
Thorau C, Ziemer H.  2019.  The Oxford handbook of music listening in the 19th and 20th centuries . :x,524pages:.
Elliott DJ, Silverman M, McPherson G.  2019.  The Oxford handbook of philosophical and qualitative assessment in music education . :xx,550pages:.
Welch G, Howard DM, Nix J.  2019.  The Oxford handbook of singing . :xxxvi,1150pages:.
Welch G, Howard DM, Nix J.  2019.  The Oxford handbook of singing . :xxxvi,1150pages:.
Grimshaw M, Hansen M, Knakkergaard M.  2019.  The Oxford handbook of sound and imagination . :2volumes:.
Knešaurek A, Atletić Z.  2018.  Obnovljene orgulje u akademskoj crkvi sv. Katarine Aleksandrijske : Gornji grad /Zagreb. :19.
[Anonymous].  2018.  Odjeci bitke kod Sigeta i mita o Nikoli Šubiću Zrinjskom u umjetnosti : (glazba, likovne umjetnosti, književnosti). Muzikološki zbornici. :443.
Perkovi KRadoš.  2018.  Odnos izvornika i talijanskoga prepjeva Badalićeva Zrinjskog. Odjeci bitke kod Sigeta i mita o Nikoli Šubiću Zrinskom u umjetnosti = The Impact of the Battle of Szigetvár and the Myth of Nikola Šubić Zrinjski on the Arts (Music, Visual Arts, Literature).
Ngqungwana M.  2018.  Odyssey of an African Opera Singer. :x,195.
Benitez VPerez.  2018.  Olivier Messiaen : a research and information guide /. :xvi,366pages;.
[Anonymous].  2018.  Ollando ó mar: música civil e literatura na Galicia atlántica, 1875-1950. :700p..
Messiaen O., Hosono T..  2018.  Ongaku gengo no gihō . :130pages;.
Babić P.  2018.  Opera Zrinyi Augusta Abramovića Adelburga. Odjeci bitke kod Sigeta i mita o Nikoli Šubiću Zrinskom u umjetnosti = The Impact of the Battle of Szigetvár and the Myth of Nikola Šubić Zrinjski on the Arts (Music, Visual Arts, Literature).
