Recent Publications in Music

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Rodrigues Mda Anuncia.  2019.  O livro da música clássica.
Beitia-Bastida M-Á.  2019.  Oír y pensar la música en el siglo XX: un ensayo de filosofía de la música. :295p..
Roud S, Atkinson D.  2019.  Old Songs, New Discoveries : Selected Papers from the 2018 Folk Song Conference /. 2:vi,162pages:.
Smith G.  2019.  Olive Smith : a musical visionary. :384pages.
Gall Z.  2019.  Oliver : trag u beskraju : najopsežnija biografija legendarnog pjevača.
Benitez VPerez.  2019.  Olivier Messiaen's opera, Saint François d'Assise . :1onlineresource.
Růžičková Z, Holden W.  2019.  One hundred miracles : a memoir of music and survival /. :1onlineresource:.
Smith RDigby.  2019.  One, two, three, four : the life and times of a recording studio engineer /. :x,305pages.
Eriksson M.  2019.  Online music distribution and the unpredictability of software logistics.
Townsend D.  2019.  Only half there . :295pages,32unnumberedpagesofplates:.
McIntyre SDonald, Rees DA.  2019.  The only way is up : reflections on a life in opera. :240pages.
Pollock ERichmond.  2019.  Opera after the Zero Hour : the problem of tradition and the possibility of renewal in postwar West Germany /. :xi,294pages:.
Montgomery A.  2019.  Opera coaching : professional techniques for the répétiteur /. :1volume:.
Montgomery A.  2019.  Opera coaching : professional techniques for the répétiteur /. :1onlineresource:.
Radigales-Babi J, Villanueva-Benito I.  2019.  Ópera en pantalla: del cine al streaming. Signo e Imagen. :331.
Everist M.  2019.  Opera in Paris from the empire to the commune . :xiii,473pages:.
Abel SD.  2019.  Opera in the flesh : sexuality in operatic performance /. :1onlineresource.
Constantine M.  2019.  The opera singer's acting toolkit : an essential guide to creating a role /. :1onlineresource(320pages)..
Li X.  2019.  Opera, society, and politics in modern China . 117:x,365pages:.
Hartmann APernille.  2019.  Operans natur : en bok i fyra element : essäer om naturens roll i opera och dans, på GöteborgsOperan och andra plats....
Maclear K, Eggenschwiler B, Britt F.  2019.  Opératique .
Guerriero L.  2019.  Opus Gelber. Retrato de un pianista. :336.
