Recent Publications in Music

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Asia D.  2021.  Observations on Music, Culture, and Politics . :1onlineresource.
Puaud G.  2021.  Olivier Messiaen . 77:176pages:.
Alexandersson MFrick.  2021.  Omsorg, välvilja och tystnadskultur : Diskursiva dilemman och strategier i lärarutbildningens undervisningspraktik i musik mot yngre {\aa}ldra....
Atanasova ZGeorgieva.  2021.  One-handed piano compositions and injury awareness : history, study of selected works, and mindful practice /. :xvii,175pages:.
Havelková T.  2021.  Opera as hypermedium : meaning-making, immediacy, and the politics of perception /. :1onlineresource(xii,186pages):.
Davidson JW, Halliwell M, Rocke S.  2021.  Opera, emotion, and the antipodes. Compositions and performances /. :1onlineresource:.
Gábor W.  2021.  Opera : szerelem, halál, téboly a színpadon . :247.
Over B, Nieden GZur.  2021.  Operatic pasticcios in 18th-century Europe : contexts, materials and aesthetics /. volume 45:795pages:.
Baranello M.  2021.  The operetta empire : music theater in early twentieth-century Vienna /. :1onlineresource.
Wagner M.  2021.  Opéra et géopolitique : l'art lyrique, entre rayonnement artistique et enjeux politiques /. :126pages:.
Ludwig M, Schäfer S.  2021.  Our will to live : the Terezín music critiques of Viktor Ullmann /. :325pages:.
Cenciarelli C.  2021.  The Oxford handbook of cinematic listening . :1onlineresource(xii,774pages)..
Deaville JAndrew, Tan S-L, Rodman RW.  2021.  The Oxford handbook of music and advertising . :1onlineresource(xxviii,925pages):.
Grant J, Matthias J, Prior D.  2021.  The Oxford handbook of sound art . :xxv,597pages:.
