Music brings people together, and IAML membership supports our aim to make music internationally accessible through acquisition and lending, preservation and digitization, cataloguing and bibliography, and documentation and research. Moreover, most music librarians and archivists serve as educators, opening up the vast world of information and repertoire during their daily interactions with students, faculty members, researchers, musicians, and the general public. We work internationally on multiple fronts to promote and protect musical heritage among diverse cultures, because the importance of music in the lives of the world's peoples is something we truly cherish.

What's new on

Dear IAMLers,

the CMS software that runs went today through a major update, that goes well beyond the new layout and will make possible in the next months implementing new features for the site. Unfortunately, old userIDs are not valid anymore on this new version, so people will have to create new ones to be able to login again.

IAML Branch and Commission Elections (Naples, 2008)

Liebe Kollegen,
Bei der diesjährigen AIBM-Konferenz in Neapel werden Wahlen für die Ämter der Komitees der Zweige und Kommissionen stattfinden. Dies ist eine gute Gelegenheit, eine aktivere Rolle in der Arbeit der AIBM zuübernehmen.

Sie sind herzlich eingeladen, Interesse bei den gegenwärtigen Vorsitzenden der Zweige oder Kommissionen anzumelden.

IAML Branch and Commission Elections (Naples, 2008)

Chers collègues,
Les élections des responsables des bureaux et des comités se tiendront lors du congrès international à Naples (2008). Cela représente une bonne opportunité pour celles et ceux qui veulent s'investir plus activement dans le travail de l'AIBM.

Afin d'exprimer vos souhaits, vous êtes invités à prendre contact avec les présidents des bureaux ou des comités.


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