Tuesday 5 July and Friday 8 July
Rome, Italy
Auditorium Parco della Musica
1. Welcome and Apologies (Barbara Dobbs Mackenzie)
2. Matters arising from the minutes of the 2015 General Assembly in New York (Barbara Dobbs Mackenzie)
3. President's report (Barbara Dobbs Mackenzie)
4. Secretary General's report (Pia Shekhter)
5. Treasurer's report (Thomas Kalk)
6. Elections (Pia Shekhter)
7. National branches (Pia Shekhter)
8. Honorary membership (Barbara Dobbs Mackenzie)
9. In Memoriam Jane Anne Pearce Baldwin (Barbara Dobbs Mackenzie)
10. The Publications Committee (Joseph Hafner)
11. Fontes (Jim Cassaro)
12. Website and social media (Jennifer Ward)
13. New logo (Antony Gordon)
14. Discussing the proposal of the Ad Hoc Committee on Organizational Structure (level 2) (John Roberts and Barbara Wiermann)
15. Report of the Forum of National Representatives (Stanisław Hrabia)
16. Report of the Forum of Commissions and Professional Branches (Stanisław Hrabia)
17. Voting on the proposal of the Ad Hoc Committee on Organizational Structure (level 2) (Barbara Dobbs Mackenzie)
18. RIdIM
19. RILM
20. RIPM
21. RISM
22. Highlights from reports
IAML Historian
Membership Committee
Advocacy Committee
The New Grove
23. Topics for discussion (Barbara Dobbs Mackenzie)
24. Any matters arising during the week (Barbara Dobbs Mackenzie)
25. Any other business (Barbara Dobbs Mackenzie)
26. Future congresses (Pia Shekhter)
Riga, 18-23 June 2017
Leipzig, 22-27 July 2018
Kraków, 2019
27.Next meeting (Pia Shekhter)
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