(revised 20 August 2017)
- The IAML Secretary General (SG) is appointed by the General Assembly on recommendation of the Board for an initial term of four years, and may be reappointed for subsequent terms of two years. The Secretary General reports annually to the General Assembly.
- The Secretary General may claim expenses up to an amount specified in the budget and shall be empowered to engage additional staff within limits set by the Board. If necessary the Association will cover travel and accommodation for Board meetings and congresses. The congress fee is waived for the SG. The SG receives an honorarium of €2000 per annum.
- The SG must be fluent in English. Working knowledge of one or both of IAML's other official languages, French and German, can be helpful. There is assistance available when it comes to editing and translating official documents.
- The Secretary General shall coordinate the work of the Association, shall be responsible for giving notice of meetings of the Board and General Assembly, and for compiling and circulating their agendas and minutes; shall circulate proposals for changes to the Constitution or Rules of Procedure, as well as any other documents of importance to the Association. The Secretary General shall organise the elections to the Board.
- The Secretary General is a member of the IAML Board and an ex-officio member of the Constitution Committee, Publications Committee and Membership Committee, as well as the Forum of Sections.
- The Secretary General is responsible for running the day-to-day business of the Association, in cooperation with the President and the Treasurer. This includes, but is not limited to, a significant amount of general correspondence, much of it to do with membership enquiries and requests for information about IAML itself (including requests for the names of officers and the congress dates from various yearbooks and directories). The SG has contact with national branches on a regular basis, and should regularly request that they send in their annual reports. Contact is also maintained with international organisations of which IAML is a member or has a relationship, such as IMC, IFLA, IAMIC, IASA, etc. A biennial report is sent to the IMC (International Music Council).
- The SG works together with the Programme Officer to prepare the annual congress in close liaison with the local organising committee and the Forum of Sections. The work consists of contacting paper and poster presenters, sending invitations, and answering enquiries from the organisers and the attendees.
- The SG is responsible for ensuring that elections for the Institutional and Subject Sections are held every third year, which includes reminding those concerned to solicit candidates, sending out a call for nominations on the website and via IAML-L, and also arranging for a Board member to be present to supervise each election. A list of candidates and brief CVs is prepared for display on the congress noticeboard at the beginning of the week.
- The SG is responsible for conducting the Presidential and Vice-Presidential elections every third year. This involves sending out a call for nominations on the website and via IAML-L, preparing a final list of candidates, extracting curricula vitae from all candidates, preparing versions in all three official languages and posting all information on the website. The SG assists the web team and the Treasurer with the electronic voting process.
- The SG is responsible for collecting all relevant material for the IAML Archive.
- To be SG is a time-consuming but very rewarding job requiring an orderly mind, patience, organizational skills, social skills, and, above all, a true interest in IAML and its mission. Having a job environment that will allow some of this work to be done during working hours can be helpful, when possible.
There is no application form. Candidates should send a CV and covering letter to the current Secretary General by 30 September 2017. Short-listed candidates will be interviewed via Skype later this autumn.
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