"Music + Practice" - New journal for practice studies in music

Posted on behalf of Tone Elofsson, Chief Librarian at the Norwegian Academy of Music, Oslo

"Despite the growing interest in musical practices and artistic knowledge, we lack arenas
for the discussion of practices in their own right. This is why we now launch

Music + Practice 

Music + Practice is a peer-reviewed online journal (Open Access) dedicated to practice
studies in music. It features articles and presentations written by academics and
practitioners, and has readers and authors from all over the world. Beside its main
editorial area, the study of musical practices, the journal will also engage artistic
research and performance studies.

During the last six years, there have been several attempts to create a journal within
the European network MIDAS (Music Institutions with Doctoral Arts Studies). These
attempts cohered at a MIDAS meeting in Amsterdam, 2008, in the initiative to create
Music and Practice as an online journal. The initiative was further developed in the next
MIDAS meeting in Sweden 2009. Even though the MIDAS network has been replaced by
EPARM, the initiation of M+P has been facilitated by the assistance of members of MIDAS
and supported by the Norwegian Academy for Music, Oslo.

The content of M+P is organized in three sections: In 'M+P Scientific', we present
works that follow academic standards for peer-reviewed articles; 'M+P Explorative'
is dedicated to substantial works that may challenge both the form and content of
conventional scholarly articles; 'Reviews + Commentaries', contains contributions
extending from scholarly informed reviews and reports to shorter essays and thought-
provoking commentaries. We hope that the possibilities of new technology and the web-
based format will be exploited by our contributors within a wide range of disciplines
and genres connected to artistic practices.

Oslo, 18 March 2013

Dr. Erlend Hovland, editor-in-chief, with Dr. Arnulf Mattes and Christina Kobb, members
of the editorial team"


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