Dear friends,
Here goes some info on the first Spanish conference devoted to the history and development of jazz music in our country, organized in November 2013 in Valencia. I wish it may be interesting for some of you. Thank you in advance for your attention!
Jorge García
President of Aedom, the Spanish Branch of IAML
Music Department of Culturarts – Generalitat Valenciana
Jazz in Spain - CALL FOR PAPERS
The Music Department of Culturarts – Generalitat Valenciana and the Fundación Autor, together with the Universitat de València and the Universitat Politècnica de Valencia, organise this international and multi-disciplinary conference, the first in Spain dedicated to jazz music.
The conference will address diverse topics related to the first reception of jazz in Europe and Spain, the peculiarities of its consolidation in different Spanish cities and territories, musical analysis of Spanish jazz recordings, the relation of jazz with political and ideological questions, the assimilation and adaptation of jazz from other Iberian musical traditions, the reception and dissemination of jazz by audiences and the media, educational contexts and the teaching-learning process, or the influence of some major musicians in the development of jazz in Spain. The main (but not exclusive) topics of the conference will be:
1. The reception of jazz in Europe and Spain
2. Jazz analysis and composition
3. Hybridizations with other music genres
4. Jazz and politics: censorship and propaganda
5. Jazz and education
6. Jazz and performance
7. Jazz places
8. Jazz in the cinema, literature, and the arts
9. Jazz and the media
10. Jazz historiography
The conference will be structured in roundtables, talks, and sessions of individual papers on related topics. Paper presentations, in Spanish or English, should be 20 minutes in length and should provide original and relevant information. Applicants should submit a title and an abstract of no more than 300 words to by 7 July 2013. Proposals, in Word format, will follow this order: title, author, institutional affiliation, abstract, up to 5 keywords, bio-data (in 5 lines). Abstracts should include some background information, objectives, and conclusions. Announcement of accepted proposals will be made by 26 July 2013.
An important part of the conference will be the meeting, through debates and roundtables, with some of the central figures of jazz in Spain: musicians, journalists, and members of the culture industry. Moreover, the conference will include parallel events and activities, such as an exhibition and a series of concerts.
Organising Committee:
Jorge García (Unidad de Música – Culturarts Generalitat Valenciana)
Iván Iglesias (Universidad de Valladolid)
Antonio Onetti (Presidente de la Fundación Autor)
Scientific Committee:
Jaume Carbonell (Universitat de Barcelona)
Ramón Cardo (Conservatorio Superior de Música de Valencia)
Jorge García (Unidad de Música – Culturarts Generalitat Valenciana)
Patricio Goialde (Musikene – Centro Superior de Música del País Vasco)
Iván Iglesias (Universidad de Valladolid)
Claudia Rolando (Universidad de Valladolid)
Juan Zagalaz (Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha)
- Conference rates: 50 € / 30 € (students and unemployed) until 15 October 2013. After that date, 65 €/ 40 €.
- Payment method: Bank transfer to the Ibercaja account: (IBAN ES24) 2085 - 9354 – 37 – 0330055570.
- A copy of the transfer receipt and the registration form (see below) should be send to the conference e-mail ( If you choose the rate for students or unemployed, please attach proof of your current status.
Registration form:
Name and surname:
Identification number / Passport:
Telephone number:
Conference rate: full / reduced (students and unemployed)
Information and images for media:
(+34) 963 155 410 -
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