Complete revision of IFLA’s International Standard Bibliographic Description to start in 2018, and your chance to get involved!
The International Standard Bibliographic Description (ISBD) is the only open and freely available bibliographic standard with the goal of ensuring access to information by making bibliographic data available, interoperable and shareable, across all countries and languages in the world.
The Review Group within IFLA that develops and maintains this standard, the ISBD Review Group, has been exploring the need to perform a review since the publication of its consolidated edition in 2011. In this direction, the group has published ISBD elements and vocabularies to be used as linked data, as well as many alignments and mappings to be fully prepared for the next steps. Now, after careful consideration, the group proposes to start a complete ISBD revision in 2018.
In addition to guaranteeing consistent, interoperable, and updated IFLA standards, some of the key reasons behind the need to perform this review include: the publication of a new version of the IFLA Statement of International Cataloguing Principles (ICP) in 2016 paying special attention to the accessibility, interoperability and openness of information; the publication of the new IFLA Library Reference Model (LRM) in 2017; suggestions for revisions already received by multiple stakeholders; and the need to keep up with a dynamic data and bibliographic industry that sees the creation of new types of resources (and changes to existing types) to which libraries need to provide access.
Would you like to influence the direction of the ISBD? This is your chance to have a say!
To facilitate the review process, the ISBD Review Group has developed a four-year plan, with a two-stage approach. The group is now looking for your input, through comments and questions, to ensure other views and options are considered, and key stakeholders’ voices heard. They also invite interested parties to get involved in the review work, after the proposal has been approved.
Download the four-year plan in PDF
Do you have comments or questions to the plan? Would you like to be involved? Contact the ISBD Review Group Chair, by 20 August 2018.
Available from IFLA under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
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