IAML Online Congress 2021: Call for Papers and Posters

The IAML Online Congress 2021 will take place via the Zoom platform from Monday 26 until Friday 30 July. The programme will feature a mixture of paper and poster sessions, panel discussions, and social hour sessions, as well as the General Assembly and other business meetings. Sessions will be scheduled to make it possible for members in all parts of the world to participate during the course of the week.

We invite papers and posters addressing issues of current professional concern, including (but not limited to) the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, user and public engagement, training, digital humanities, music encoding, issues of diversity and inclusion, and copyright. Proposals that seek to encourage discussion and interaction are especially encouraged.

Paper proposals should be submitted here.

Poster sessions will take the form of short presentations (approximately 5 minutes) followed by questions and discussion. Poster proposals should be submitted here.

The submission deadline is Wednesday 31 March 2021 (midnight UTC).

This year’s Congress will be held in association with the Digital Libraries for Musicology (DLfM) conference(link is external), which takes place on Thursday 29 July. A joint IAML/DLfM session is planned for Friday 30 July.

The preliminary programme will be made available by 1 June 2021.



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