Today (Friday) is the last day to apply for the Advocacy Committee. They want a good mix of people with lots of different experiences and perspectives, so don’t hesitate to apply.
Advocacy Committee
From IAML’s Partner Organizations
From the International Music Council, of which IAML is a member
The word ‘culture’ was completely absent from the ‘Millennium Development Goals’ adopted by the UN in 2000.
Le mot culture était complètement absent des Objectifs du Millénaire pour le développement adopté par les Nations unies en 2000.
La palabra cultura estaba totalmente ausente de los Objetivos del Milenario para el Desarrollo adoptados por las Naciones Unidas en el 2000.
Help change that.
Join the global campaign calling for culture to be included in the post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals: culture2015goal.net
From IAML’s projects
RILM will be publishing the music encyclopedia Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart (MGG) online
Information in English and German
Articles of interest, and one film
Why Used eBooks Still Have Not Happened
Michael Kozlowski, GoodeReader.com -
Brewster Kahle, the Librarian of 404 Billion Websites
Nadja Sayej, Motherboard -
Music as a learning tool for international students
Fred Hooper, ABC -
The Practical Librarian’s Guide to Collection Development
Abby Preschel Kalan, American Libraries -
Madison Public Library is now streaming music by local musicians
Gayle Worland, Wisconsin State Journal -
Doku: Berlin – Lost In Time And Space. Der Sound der geteilten Stadt
Eine Dokumentation von Oliver Schwabe
New Journals
Informationspraxis startet neue Open Access-Zeitschrift für Bibliothek, Archiv und Informationswesen
Aufruf Mitarbeit Infoprax
Electronic Resources
Archives numériques de la Révolution française - French Revolution Digital Archive
A presentation of key research sources of the French Revolution to make them available to the international scholarly community. -
on ligne : "10 ans avec la contrebasse"
La médiathèque de la Cité de la musique vient de numériser et mettre en ligne le répertoire de références de partitions « 10 ans avec la contrebasse »
Pour mémoire, la collection « 10 ans avec » présente un choix de méthodes et partitions, ces références sont classées par niveau d’apprentissage et brièvement commentées. La Cité de la musique a déjà mis en ligne plusieurs de ces répertoires dont l’édition papier est épuisée. Cet accès en ligne est libre et gratuit et la version numérique propose de plus, pour de nombreuses références, un lien sur un extrait de partition. -
The Clarinet Quintet: A Reference Tool for String Quartet with Clarinet
This online catalog is a continuing project to bring together all repertoire that exists for this genre. The project seeks to offer complete, authoritative data relative to each composition and to demonstrate the totality of the genre. To that end, the site allows for, and welcomes, comments, verifiable corrections, and appropriate ancillary information that may help illuminate a better understanding of an individual work or the entirety of the repertoire.
CFPs and Conferences
1st International Digital Libraries for Musicology workshop (DLfM 2014)
12 September 2014, London, UK
in conjunction with the ACM/IEEE Digital Libraries conference 2014
Deadline: 27 June 2014
Friday Fun
A day in the life of New York's public libraries
Video -
Listen to Philip K. Dick’s Favorite Classical Music: A Free, 11-Hour Playlist
(Get Spotify here if you don't have it already)
Questions, comments? Do you have something you would like to see here? Contact jennifer.ward@rism.info.
23 Librarians, EBLIDA, IAML-L, IAML Australia, Bibliotheksnews, MLA-L, IAML Antwerp 2014
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