IAML News, Friday Edition

Friday, March 21, 2014

A collection of news from the past week that may be of interest to IAML members

Today! News from IAML -- Articles of interest -- Electronic resources -- Events -- Blog recommendations -- Social Media -- Friday Funnies



Articles of interest

Electronic Resources

  • Onlinedatenbank zu den Werken Ludwig Senfls / Online database of Ludwig Senfl's works
    Auf diesen Seiten soll das Schaffen Ludwig Senfls und seine Präsenz in zeitgenössischen Quellen umfassend dokumentiert werden.
    These pages present Ludwig Senfl’s œuvre and document the presence of his works in contemporary sources.


  • RDA for Music: Popular Music, Jazz, and World Music Audio Recordings
    April 17, 2014
    From ALA Editions (American Library Association) in partnership with the Music Library Association.
  • Hearing Landscape Critically: Music, Place, and the Spaces of Sound, Harvard University
    14-16 January 2015
    The aim of this three-year project funded by the Leverhulme Trust is to transform our sense of sound in landscape, and to document, investigate, and provoke critical encounters between the social and acoustic agents involved in the formations of landscape.
    Thanks to Santie de Jongh via the IAML-L

Blogs recommended by IAML's Facebook fans


Social Media


Friday Funnies






Thank you everyone for the kind words! I am glad it is useful!


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