Call for Contributions
The 5th IMC World Forum on Music: Sustaining Music, Engaging Communities
Dear IMC members,
After our earlier communications about the 5th IMC World Forum on Music, 21-24 November 2013 in Brisbane, Australia, we would like to invite you to suggest contributions to ensure the Forum will be the inspiring and broadly inclusive event it promises to become, covering all sectors of musical life on the planet.
The program of the four-day event will primarily revolve around the key conditions for a vibrant and diverse musical future for the planet: issues of sustainability in general, and particularly engaging people in listening to, making and creating music.
From different perspectives, these are concerns for every aspect of the music sector represented within the wider network of the International Music Council: music education, the recording industry, technical and online enterprises, festivals, orchestras, opera companies, community organisations, music therapists, policy makers, music journalists, researchers, NGOs and governments.
In order to enable the programme committee to make the best possible selection, we invite you to structure your proposal with three factors in mind:
the format of your presentation,
the most suitable location, and
the philosophical ‘fit’ in the overall concept of the Forum. (see attached Guidelines)
Please submit your proposal using the attached form by 15 March 2013; the programme committee will provide feedback by 1 May 2013.
Unfortunately, all contributions must be self-funded; the IMC does not have means to support presenters.
We are very pleased to inform you that early bird registration will open in January 2013; by then, the dedicated website will also be up with continuing updates on the Forum.
We also recommend you investigate early the visa requirements for your country, which is available at the following address: We are happy to send invitation letters to those who need them.
We are looking forward to your proposals!
With kind regards,
Silja Fischer Huib Schippers
IMC Secretary General Chair, 5WFM Programme Committee
International Music Council
Conseil international de la musique
1 rue Miollis
75732 Paris cedex 15
Tel. +33 1 45 68 48 50
Fax +33 1 45 68 48 66
IMC is an NGO official partner of UNESCO (associate status)
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