Ad Hoc Committee on the Restructuring of IAML

Committee appointed 2012, disbanded 2014

Terms of reference:
The Ad Hoc Committee on the Restructuring of IAML is charged with investigating possible changes to the structure of the organisation, focusing specifically on the administrative structure of IAML (Board, Council and General Assembly).

The purpose of any proposed restructure is to ensure that IAML has an improved decision-making process, thus making it a more responsive and effective organisation. IAML must have a structure and strength of purpose that will support its goals and assist its members to operate effectively on both a national and international level.

It is expected that information from members gathered by the Strategy Committee and through more general discussions held at the Moscow, Dublin and Montreal Conferences will be examined. Implications to the IAML Constitution and Rules of Procedure also need to be considered.

Any proposals for a revised IAML structure should be presented to the IAML Board for consideration by the end of February 2012. The Ad Hoc Committee will be expected to work with the Board, so that an agreed recommendation can be notified to Council prior to the Conference in Vienna 2013.


John Roberts (Chair)
Richard Chesser, Chair of the Constitution Committee
Barbara Wiermann
Janneka Guise
Balázs Mikusi


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