Annual congress

Report from the Prague Congress

The logo for the IAML Congress in Prague 2022I would like to draw your attention to all the material from the congress in Prague that you can find on the IAML website: presentations and slides, congress diaries and more. This has inspired me to write my own congress diary. It is not a congress diary as such (and not in my native language Swedish, I promise!), but just a few reflections from the congress week. I hope very much that members who were not able to attend the congress would like to spend a few minutes to read my “report”, although it is far from exhaustive.

IAML Prague Congress Diary #1: Terugblik op IAML 2022 in Praag (Netherlands)

Dutch-speaking IAML membersThe first IAML Congress Diary from Prague reaches us from the Nederlandse Vereniging van Muziekbibliotheken (IAML Netherlands): Ongeveer 275 muziekinformatieprofessionals uit 27 landen kwamen van 24 tot 30 juli samen in de fraaie Tsjechische hoofdstad Praag voor het IAML-congres...


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