IAML/IMS New York City Congress Diary / Kongresstagebuch #9: Lithuanian / lietuvių (Lithuania / Lietuva)
Šiemet man teko laimė dalyvauti IAML/IMS kongrese Niujorke. Tai jau trečias mano kongresas...
Šiemet man teko laimė dalyvauti IAML/IMS kongrese Niujorke. Tai jau trečias mano kongresas...
C'est mon troisième congrès. C'est certain, New-York, la Juilliard School, ça impressionne. Mais au fil des conférences, ce sont des têtes connues qu'on recroise, des identitées virtuelles avec qui on fait enfin connaissance.
The formal program for a conference is only part of the story. The other crucial pieces are the setting in which it takes place, and the people one gets to spend a week with. This year's IAML/IMS conference was my first, and it excelled in all three areas. Music library conferences are always a bit like a family reunion, whether on the chapter, national, or international level, and I'm willing to bet we have more fun, and come away more personally and professionally energized, than many disciplines' major gatherings.
Van 21 t.m. 27 juni was ik op het congres Music Research in the Digital Age van de International Musicological Society en de International Association of Music Libraries in New York. Het was een interessant en veelzijdig congres, en ik dacht: misschien aardig om wat te vertellen over het er anno 2015 aan toe gaat in een niet zo grote maar wel zeer levendige en internationale geesteswetenschappelijke discipline.
This is my second time to attend IAML conference. The same is, I learned so many new knowledge, obtained lots of valuable information. The difference is, I listened more speeches about musicology research, and be inspired about the relationship between music library and music research.