Germany / Deutschland

The Schumannhaus in Bonn

Before the conference in Antwerp I had the great pleasure of visiting three member institutions in Germany: the Abteilung Dokumentation und Archive des Westdeutschen Rundfunk in Köln + the Schumannhaus and the Beethoven-Haus in Bonn. I have very fond memories of the friendly way I was welcomed and how enthusiastically the colleagues showed me their respective library/archive.

I have asked my hosts to write a few lines describing their institution. This is the presentation of Katrin Reinhold, head librarian of the Schumannhaus:

IAML "preconference" - Invitation to stop in Cologne / Koeln

It's almost time--next month our international IAML conference will take place in Antwerp. I'm sure some of you will use the journey to Belgium to make some stops along the way, such as to see the world-famous Cologne Cathedral, which is only one minute away from the Cologne main train station. (Very clever of those cathedral builders!)


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