digital resources

Linked Irish Traditional Music Resources Available at ITMA

The Linked Irish Traditional Music (LITMUS) project at the Irish Traditional Music Archive (ITMA) produced innovative linked data tools to enable wider access to traditional music and dance. Led by ITMA Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow Dr Lynnsey Weissenberger, the LITMUS project was an ambitious, 2-year undertaking to take Irish traditional music and dance into the cultural heritage linked data landscape. It focused on the development of the first ontology for Irish traditional music and dance, now available at

Now online : general inventory of the music archive fonds of the National library of France

 Nadia BoulangerAgnès Simon-Reecht (National Library of France, Music Department, and vice-president of AIBM-France) announces that a full inventory of the archive fonds of the National Library of France's music department is now available at:

Valère Etienne (National Library of France) will give a full presentation of this product at the Krakow IAML conference, on 18 July  (see programme).

Inventories of fonds related to musicians such as Nadia Boulanger (photo), Pierre Boulez, and Olivier Messiaen are now available


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