IAML Leipzig Congress Diary #4: Geoff Thomason
The fourth congress diary sharing an aspect of the 2018 IAML Congress in Leipzig is by Geoff Thomason of the Royal Northern College of Music.
The fourth congress diary sharing an aspect of the 2018 IAML Congress in Leipzig is by Geoff Thomason of the Royal Northern College of Music.
The third congress diary sharing an aspect of the 2018 IAML Congress in Leipzig is by Maria Calderisi, former IAML President (1986-1989).
The second congress diary sharing an aspect of the 2018 IAML Congress in Leipzig is by Sebastian Wilke (Qatar National Library). It was originally published in Mr. Wilke's blog and has been republished here with permission:
The first congress diary sharing an aspect of the 2018 IAML Congress in Leipzig is by Dr. Karen McAulay (Royal Conservatoire of Scotland). It was originally published in Dr. McAulay's blog and has been republished here with permission:
Den 18. til 22. juni i år deltog jeg i IAMLs årlige kongres i Riga, Letland. Dette fik jeg mulighed for at gøre fordi, at jeg fik hjælp af DMBF med et stipendium, der dækkede registreringsgebyret, hvilket jeg er meget taknemmelig for. Jeg var så heldig, at jeg fandt et rigtigt billigt fly og også en billig lejlighed midt i byen i Riga som jeg bookede for en hel uge. Jeg valgte derfor, at tage af sted allerede om fredagen den 16. juni og tog først hjem igen til Skt. Hans Aften den 23:e.