Congress Diary / Kongresstagebuch / Journal de bord du Congrès

IAML Riga Congress Diary / Kongresstagebuch #7: English (England)

Antony Gordon: Here I am at my 24th conference/congress in Riga. Being retired from the British Library Sound Archive and having finished my two three-year terms on the Board last year at the Rome Congress, I felt entitled to take a rather more relaxed approach. The journey to Riga formed part of the overall experience for us so this is inevitably starts out like a travelogue. If you're not interested in train travel you should skip the next paragraph.

IAML Riga Congress Diary / Kongresstagebuch #6: Finnish / suomi (Finland / Suomi)

Terveisiä Riiasta! Outi Valon matkaraportti IAML-kongressista 2017

Matkustin kesäkuussa 2017 Suomen Musiikkikirjastoyhdistyksen myöntämän apurahan avustamana Riikaan, jossa järjestettiin kansainvälinen musiikkikirjastojen, -arkistojen ja kulttuuri-instituutioiden kongressi. IAML Riga tarjosi hienon näyteikkunan siihen, millaiset asiat kentällä mietityttävät, mitä tutkitaan ja mistä keskustellaan.

IAML Riga Congress Diary / Kongresstagebuch #5: German / deutsch (Germany / Deutschland & United States)

The following is a group congress diary from the RISM Zentralredaktion (Frankfurt, Germany):     
Klaus Keil: Opernsammlung in der Nationalbibliothk 
Guido Kraus: Meine schönsten Erfahrungen in Riga 
Vivian Tompkins: Digitizing Music Materials
Jennifer Ward: Riga, City of Music

IAML Riga Congress Diary / Kongresstagebuch #4: English (New Zealand / Aotearoa)

This entry is by Sara Brown (New Zealand), an accompanying person at the 2017 Congress in Riga:  Riga and the IAML Congress were a real treat for me. I was there as an ‘accompanying person’ with my partner, Rhys (thanks to Roger Flury and David Vine for the image of carrying around a piano, ready to play at a moment’s notice…). Getting to Riga was an adventure as the distance from Dunedin, New Zealand to Riga is about 17405 km in a straight line according to Google Maps.


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