Recent Publications in Music
Das vermutlich allerletzte Ostrockbuch . :319pages:.
2020. "... dauert ewig schön und unveraltet ..." : Johann Michael Haydn - kein vergessener Meister! /. :230pages:.
2020. De apodos y Música. Motes de gente de lugares manchegos y su reflejo en la música de tradición popular.. Biblioteca Añil Musical; nº 79. :216p..
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2020. Death and the rock star . :1volume:.
2020. Deems Taylor : selected writings /. :1onlineresource..
2020. Degas at the opera . :326pages.
2020. Delius and the sound of place . :1volume:.
2020. Demofoonte come soggetto per il dramma per musica : Johann Adolf Hasse ed altri compositori del settecento /. 5:volume<5(340pages)>;.
2020. Den blide vind : en koncertfortaelling fra Ghana /. 3:50sider:.
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2020. Den bloa sangbog & de forbudte sange . :28sider.
2020. Den danske sang . :319sider:.
2020. Den danske sang . :319pages:.
2020. Den danske sang . :1onlineresource.
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2020. Der einsame Zensor : zur staatlichen Kontrolle des Theaters unter Maria Theresia und Joseph II /. 7:1onlineresource.
2020. Der Passagier. Der Komponist Mieczyslaw Weinberg im Mahlstrom des zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts. . 9:114p..
2020. Derek Taylor for your radioactive children : days in the life of the Beatles' spin doctor /. :1volume:.
2020. Desert plants : conversations with 23 American musicians /. :xii,373pages:.
2020. Desired artistic outcomes in music performance . :1volume:.
2020. Det syngende menneske : Nye veje til forbundethed. :1onlineresource.
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