Recent Publications in Music
Theology and Prince . :1onlineresource(xi,166pages).
2020. .
2020. Thomas Tallis . :1volume:.
2020. On time : a princely life in funk /. :1volume:.
2020. .
2020. .
2020. Topp : promoter Gary Topp brought us the world /. :1volume:.
2020. A touch of fire : Marie-André Duplessis, the Hôtel-Dieu of Quebec, and the writing of New France /. 1:1onlineresource(x,370pages):.
2020. .
2020. Tótila Albert Ein Prophet des Dreimal Unser. :180Seiten.
2020. Transcultural sound practices : British Asian dance music as cultural transformation /. :xii,225pages;.
2020. Transforming music education in P-12 schools and the community . :1onlineresource(xiv,240pages).
2020. .
2020. Transnational flamenco : exchange and the individual in British and Spanish flamenco culture /. :1volume:.
2020. .
2020. Try this at home : adventures in songwriting /. :1volume;.
2020. Tuk music tradition in Barbados . :1volume;.
2020. Turn the beat around : the secret history of disco /. :xviii,350pages;.
2020. .
2020. .
2020. Uncovering music of early European women (1250-1750) . :1volume:.
2020. .
2020. Vaer dig selv og lad andre vaere i fred . :78sider:.
2020. .
2020. Válogatott elméleti írások . Zeneszerzők írásai. :264.