Recent Publications in Music

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Innig R..  2023.  Anton Bruckners Weg zum Symphoniker : Studien zu seinen frühen sinfonischen Werken /. :517pages:.
Petty JChristian.  2022.  Anton Bruckner's last adagio : the decomposing self /. :178pages:.
de Raymond L.Bernard, Morabito F..  2021.  Antoine Reicha and the making of the Nineteenth-Century composer . :360p.;.
Johnson B.  2016.  Antipodean riffs : essays on Australasian jazz /. :vi,296pages:.
Flōrou L.  2016.  Antiochos Evaggelatos: Zōē kai ergo = Αντίοχος Ευαγγελάτος : ζωή και έργο. :356p..
Vrisk K.  2016.  Anthology of Slovenian Australian musicians. :662pages;.
Stratton J, Dale J, Mitchell T.  2020.  An anthology of Australian albums : critical engagements /. :1onlineresource(x,230pages).
Santa M.  2019.  Anthology for hearing rhythm and meter . :1volume;.
Santa M.  2019.  Anthology for hearing rhythm and meter . :1onlineresource..
Thompson BChristophe.  2015.  Anthems and minstrel shows : the life and times of Calixa Lavallée, 1842-1891 /. :xxviii,522pages:.
Popoff M.  2020.  Anthem : Rush in the '70s /. :354pages,16unnumberedpagesofplates:.
Chlupaty R.  2013.  Antal Doráti and his recorded legacy . :398pages,16pagesofplates:.
O'Meally RG.  2022.  Antagonistic cooperation : jazz, collage, fiction, and the shaping of African American culture /. :xiii,275pages,8unnumberedpagesofplates:.
Dümling A.  2020.  Anpassungsdruck und Selbstbehauptung Der Schott-Verlag im 'Dritten Reich'. 1:88Seiten.
Raykoff I.  2021.  Another song for Europe : music, taste, and values in the Eurovision Song Contest /. :1onlineresource(viii,192pages):.
Corbett G.  2019.  Annunciations : Sacred Music for the Twenty-First Century /. :1onlineresource..
Corbett G.  2019.  Annunciations : Sacred Music for the Twenty-First Century /. :1onlineresource..
Trotta F.  2020.  Annoying music in everyday life . :viii,209pages;.
Davies G.  2019.  Anniversary Strat : celebrating 40 years of the Fender commemorative model Stratocaster /. :340pages:.
Parri ABryn..  2012.  Annette : bywyd ar ddu a gwyn /. :285p.;.
Campagne A., Grassl M..  2022.  ANKLAENGE 2020/2021 : ""Cantare nel gravicembalo"" Ensemble- und Begleitpraxis in der italienischen Musikkultur um 1600 - Practices of ensemble playing and accompaniment in Italian musical culture c. 1600 /. :1onlineresource(262p.).
Potočki Ž.  2018.  Anka Horvat : život i umjetničko djelo koncertne i operne pjevačice : (građa). :198.
McCallum C..  2012.  Animals . :48pages:.
Angster J, Hajdók J.  2017.  Angster József: Életrajzom : egy XIX. századi orgonaépítő naplója. :571.
Rae C.  2019.  André Jolivet : music, art and literature /. :xxxix,329pages:.
