Recent Publications in Music
Leokadiya Kashperova : biography, 'Memoirs' and 'Recollections of Anton Rubinstein' /. :1onlineresource(71pages).
2023. Lennon & McCartney : painting with sound /. :1onlineresource.
2023. Leningrad : siege and symphony /. :xii,558pages,16unnumberedpagesofplates:.
2013. .
2019. The Lemonade reader : Beyoncé, black feminism and spirituality /. :1onlineresource:.
2019. Lemezleltár Török Ádámmal . :190.
2023. .
2022. .
2016. .
2015. Legyen a zene a Tiéd! . :412.
2017. Legions of boom : Filipino American mobile DJ crews in the San Francisco Bay Area /. :xiii,218pages:.
2015. Legends of tone : Fender /. :144pages:.
2018. Legendary rock songs . :270p.:.
2011. .
2014. Legacies of power in American music : essays in honor of Michael J. Budds /. :xviii,372pages:.
2023. Leftover Salmon : thirty years of festival! /. :xv,391pages:.
2019. Lee Brilleaux : rock'n'roll gentleman : the adventures of Dr Feelgood's iconic frontman /. :1volume:.
2019. .
2017. "Leborulva áldalak..." : az oltáriszentség és az úrvacsora a magyarországi vallási kultúrában . A Szent István Tudományos Akadémia kiadványai.. I. Értekezések,:426.
2020. Learning to fly : the autobiography /. :x,517pages,32unnumberedpagesofplates:.
2013. .
2012. Learning music theory with Logic, Max, and Finale . :1volume:.
2020. Learning and teaching in the music studio : a student-centred approach /. volume 31:1onlineresource(391pages):.
2022. .