Recent Publications in Music
Unapologetic expression : the inside story of the UK jazz explosion /. :viii,424pages;.
2024. Unbinding gentility : women making music in the nineteenth-century South /. :xviii,292pages:.
2021. .
2021. .
2022. Uncovering music of early European women (1250-1750) . :1volume:.
2020. Underground rap as religion : a theopoetic examination of a process aesthetic religion /. :1volume;.
2019. Understanding music. :xix,322pages:illustrations,music;.
2016. Understanding post-tonal music . :1volume;.
2019. Understanding records : a field guide to recording practice /. :vii,233pages:.
2019. Understanding Stockhausen . :1onlineresource..
2022. Understanding the music business : real world insights /. :1onlineresource.
2017. Understanding the music industries . :xi,236pages;.
2013. Understanding the Old Hispanic Office : Texts, Melodies, and Devotion in Early Medieval Iberia /. :1onlineresource.
2022. Understanding the Old Hispanic Office : Texts, Melodies, and Devotion in Early Medieval Iberia /. :1onlineresource.
2022. .
2019. Une musicologie entre textes et arts : hommages à Béatrice Ramaut-Chevassus et Alban Ramaut /. :286pages;.
2021. Unfreezing music education : critical formalism and possibilities for self-reflexive music learning /. :224pages;.
2023. Unfreezing music education : critical formalism and possibilities for self-reflexive music learning /. :1onlineresource..
2023. Union J . :189pages,16unnumberedpagesofplates:.
2013. Uniting music and poetry in twentieth-century Spain . :1onlineresource(xvii,255pages):.
2021. Unity, ambiguity, and flexibility in theme music for game shows : a winning combination /. :xv,92pages:.
2024. Universal tonality : the life and music of William Parker /. :1onlineresource(xi,402pages):.
2021. Unknown pleasures : inside Joy Division /. :xvii,328pages,16unnumberedpagesofplates:.
2013. Unknown Schubert . :1volume;.