Recent Publications in Music

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Aubinet S.  2023.  Why Sámi sing : knowing through melodies in Northern Norway /. :1onlineresource(xiii,168pages):.
Audissino E.  2021.  The film music of John Williams : reviving Hollywood's classical style /. :xiii,381pages:.
Audissino E.  2021.  Film music in concert : the pioneering role of the Boston Pops Orchestra /. :1onlineresource.
Auenmüller J..  2020.  Getrennt vereint - Stimmen und Klänge der Nachwendezeit. Zum Umgang mit Musik aus der DDR und den neuen Bundesländern nach 1990. . 50:354p..
Auerbach BLawrence.  2021.  Musical motives : a theory and method for analyzing shape in music /. :1onlineresource(x,384pages):.
Auslander P.  2021.  In concert : performing musical persona /. :x,293pages:.
Australian Capital Territory..  2020.  Government response to the Standing Committee on Education, Employment and Youth Affairs on the cessation of the music for colleges course Report 7. . :1onlineresource(8pages).
Aviñoa X.  2015.  Tecnología y creación musical. . Colección Actas (Lérida, Spain). :408p..
Ayats-Abeyà J.  2019.  El claviórgano Hauslaib del Museu de la Música de Barcelona. :188p..
Ayobade D.  2024.  Queens of Afrobeat : women, play, and Fela Kuti's music rebellion /. :xix,361pages:.
Ayyagari SR.  2022.  Musical resilience : performing patronage in the Indian Thar desert /. :xx,226pages:.
Aziz A, Boss JForrest.  2020.  Musical waves : west coast perspectives of pitch, narrative, and form /. :1volume;.
Aziz A, Boss J.  2020.  Musical waves : west coast perspectives of pitch, narrative, and form /. :1onlineresource(206pages)..
Francisco-José Álvarez-García.  2014.  Música, cafés y sociedades de recreo en Salamanca a comienzos del siglo XX.. :155p..
Francisco-José Álvarez-García.  2015.  La Sociedad Filarmónica Salmantina: constitución y primeros conciertos (1907-1910).. :158p..
Álvaro-Ocáriz JAndrés.  2016.  Sebastián Iradier: si a tu ventana llega una paloma.. :141p.
Āhamada A, la Nāśida K, Kabir A.  2014.  My life in melodies.
Ålander J, Volgsten U, Georgii-Hemming E, Pripp O., Eriksson K..  2022.  Musik, migration och villkor en studie om deltagandevillkor i det svenska musiklivet.. :1onlineresource(167).
Baade C., McGee KA.  2021.  Beyoncé in the World Making Meaning with Queen Bey in Troubled Times.. :1onlineresource(457p.)..
Baadsgaard NOle, Jensen JWendt.  2021.  Gasolin' : Gudernes vilje. :447sider:.
Baber KA.  2019.  Leonard Bernstein and the language of jazz . :1onlineresource..
Baber KA.  2019.  Leonard Bernstein and the language of jazz . :x,268pages:.
Babić P.  2018.  Opera Zrinyi Augusta Abramovića Adelburga. Odjeci bitke kod Sigeta i mita o Nikoli Šubiću Zrinskom u umjetnosti = The Impact of the Battle of Szigetvár and the Myth of Nikola Šubić Zrinjski on the Arts (Music, Visual Arts, Literature).
Baca M, Harris C, Sheehy D.  2021.  Crossing borders : my journey in music /. :1onlineresource(xviii,172pages).
Bach JSebastian, László S, Balázs M.  2019.  Das Wohltemperierte Klavier : 48 Präludien und Fugen progressiv geordnet [1-2]. Ujjrenddel, előadási jelekkel és jegyzetekkel ellátta Bartók Béla. The Bartók Performing Editions. :148.
