Recent Publications in Music

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von Hofmannsthal H, Roller A, Strauss R, Mühlegger-Henhapel C, Renner U.  2021.  "Mit dir keine Oper zu lang..." : Briefwechsel /. :463pages,128unnumberedpagesofplates:.
Moss G.  2021.  Modernism, music and the politics of aesthetics . :xix,265pages:.
Calvocoressi M.D, Biojout J-P.  2021.  Modeste Moussorgski . 90:176pages:.
English L..  2021.  More Than Music Cultural Stirrings from Pink Floyd's 'the Dark Side of the Moon'.. :1onlineresource(164p.).
Mueller A.  2021.  Mozart and the mediation of childhood . :xiii,287pages:.
Brügge J.  2021.  Mozart-Perspektiven : Plädoyer für eine empirische Repertoireforschung / Joachim Brügge.. Band 25:268pages:.
Vourch M, Bird E.  2021.  Mozarts dagbog . :73sider:.
Schmid MHermann, Jonášová M.  2021.  Mozarts »Idomeneo« . Band 28:298pages;.
Missinne S..  2021.  Mozart's Portrait on a French Box of Sweets : Remember me /. :1onlineresource(122pages).
Cook N.  2021.  Music : a very short introduction /. :1onlineresource.
Moss H.  2021.  Music and Creativity in Healthcare Settings : does music matter? / :1onlineresource.
Moss H.  2021.  Music and Creativity in Healthcare Settings : does music matter? / :1onlineresource.
Korsakova-Kreyn M.  2021.  Music and feeling : the art of unconscious calculation /. :1onlineresource.
Heister H-W.  2021.  Music and fuzzy logic : the dialectics of idea and realizations in the artwork process /. volume 406:xxvii,724pages:.
Fleming MJonathan, Page C.  2021.  Music and instruments of the Elizabethan age : the Eglantine Table /. :1onlineresource.
Nielson L.  2021.  Music and musicians in the medieval Islamicate world : a social history /. :284pages;.
Grillo J.  2021.  The music and mythocracy of Col. Bruce Hampton : a basically true biography /. :xiii,204pages,16unnumberedpagesofplates:.
Bennett P.  2021.  Music and power at the court of Louis XIII : sounding the liturgy in early modern France /. :1onlineresource(xiv,324pages):.
Downes SC.  2021.  Music and sentimentalism in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries . :1onlineresource(xiii,310pages:.
Benedict C.  2021.  Music and social justice : a guide for elementary educators /. :1onlineresource(152pages).
Ilić I, Mihajlović-Marković J, Zatkalik M.  2021.  Music and Space : Theoretical and Analytical Perspectives. :331.
Hoover SAdams.  2021.  Music as care : artistry in the hospital environment /. :1onlineresource.
Acker A, Nyland B, Deans J, Payman K, Klarin S.  2021.  Music composition in contexts of early childhood : creation, communication and multi-modal experiences through music /. :xv,120pages:.
Chatzipapatheodoridis C.  2021.  The music diva spectacle : camp, female performers, and queer audiences in the arena tour show /. :1onlineresource.
Tillberg ADi Lorenzo.  2021.  Music education and democratisation : policy processes and discourses of inclusion of all children in Sweden's art and music schools.
