Recent Publications in Music
Introduction to music publishing for musicians : business and creative perspectives for the new music industry /. :xxv,323pages:.
2021. Inventing the recording : the phonograph and national culture in Spain, 1877-1914 /. :1onlineresource(vii,230pages)..
2021. .
2021. .
2021. .
2021. .
"I don't belong anywhere" : György Ligeti at 100 /. volume 4:xii,287pages:.
2022. I Louis Armstrongs fodspor : erindringer om et langt liv med jazzmusik altid med Louis Armstrong som inspiration /. :321pages:.
2022. I want to know the classics = 클래식이 알고 싶다 : 고난을 넘어 환희로. 고전의 전당 편 /. :363pages:.
2022. The Ibero-American Baroque . :1onlineresource..
2022. .
2022. I'll be there : my life with The Four Tops /. :viii,228pages,16unnumberedpagesofplates:.
2022. I'll be your plaything . :xxii,139pages:.
2022. I'm not a film star : David Bowie as actor /. :xxvi,308pages:.
2022. I'm not a film star : David Bowie as actor /. :1onlineresource(xxvi,308pages):.
2022. The impact of music therapy on children in a multicultural elementary school . :1onlineresource(xx,199pages):.
2022. Improvising the score : rethinking modern film music through jazz /. :1onlineresource.
2022. Inca music reimagined : indigenist discourses in Latin American art music, 1910-1930 /. :xvi,256pages:.
2022. The inconvenient Lonnie Johnson : blues, race, identity /. :viii,227pages:.
2022. Indigenous African popular music. . :1onlineresource(xxvii,465pages):.
2022. .
2022. Inside Mahler's Second symphony : a listener's guide /. :xliii,266pages:.
2022. Insulting music : a lexicon of insult in music /. :1onlineresource.
2022. The intertextuality and intermediality of the Anglophone popular song . :1onlineresource(251pages.).
2022. Irish American Civil War songs : identity, loyalty, and nationhood /. :xiii,301pages:.