Recent Publications in Music

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Harris P.  2020.  Clarinet basics. . :1onlineresource..
Jackson S.  2020.  Classic FM's composers : the Hall of Fame 10 greatest composers of all time /. :1volume;.
Fletcher K.FB, Umurhan O.  2020.  Classical antiquity in heavy metal music . :xi,260pages:.
Tröndle M, Dorset E.  2020.  Classical concert studies : a companion to contemporary research and performance /. :1volume:.
Berg C.  2020.  The classical guitar companion . :1onlineresource(xxi,221pages):.
Fay B.  2020.  Classical music in Weimar Germany : culture and politics before the Third Reich /. :viii,203pages:.
Bavington P.  2020.  Clavichord tuning and maintenance . :271pages;.
Ploquin F.  2020.  Clavier bien tempéré et justesse numérique : un aperçu de l'évolution de l'accord des instruments à clavier des origines à nos jours /. :1vol.(88p.):.
Nápoles J, MacLeod RB, Madsen CK.  2020.  Clifford K. Madsen's contributions to music education and music therapy : love of learning /. :1onlineresource:.
Shelvock MT.  2020.  Cloud-based music production : sampling, synthesis, and hip-hop /. :1volume:.
Ratliff B.  2020.  Coltrane : the story of a sound /. :xxi,250pages.
Beale S.  2020.  The comedy and legacy of music-hall women 1880-1920 : brazen impudence and boisterous vulgarity /. :1volume:.
Barry R.  2020.  Compact disc . :150pages;.
Lynch T, Rocconi E.  2020.  A companion to ancient Greek and Roman music . :1onlineresource..
[Anonymous].  2020.  Composers : their lives and works.. :1volume:.
Merritt JWayne, Castro D.  2020.  Comprehensive aural skills : a flexible approach to rhythm, melody, and harmony /. :1volume:.
Merritt JWayne, Castro D.  2020.  Comprehensive aural skills : a flexible approach to rhythm, melody, and harmony /. :1onlineresource:.
Hayes A.  2020.  Concepts of time in post-war European music . :1volume:.
Jackson S.  2020.  Concert design : the road, the craft, the industry /. :1volume:.
Alonso-Calero J-maría, Díaz-Olaya A, Llorens-Gómez J-B.  2020.  Congreso Internacional de Danza, Investigación y Educación: Danza y Comunicación. Comunicar en danza. :480p..
Williams A.  2020.  Constructing musicology . :1onlineresource..
Bolderman L.  2020.  Contemporary music tourism : a theory of musical topophilia /. :1volume:.
Hoefnagels A., Klassen J., Johnson S..  2020.  Contemporary Musical Expressions in Canada . :1onlineresource(557pages).
Thompson C.  2020.  Contemporary world musicians . :1onlineresource..
Mlađenović TPopović.  2020.  Contextuality of musicology : what, how, why and because. International Conference of the Department of Musicology of the Faculty of Music, University of Arts in Belgrade. 14:410.
