Recent Publications in Music

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Estévez-Sola JA.  2020.  Carmina Burana. Antología. :352p..
Havránková L., Veverka K, Letham A.  2020.  Catalogus collectionis operum artis musicae Ecclesiae Sanctissimae Trinitatis in Koleč. vol. XI:312stran:.
Pitts S.  2020.  A century of change in music education : historical perspectives on contemporary practice in British secondary school music /. :1volume..
Lloyd DMedi, Webb S.  2020.  Cerddoriaeth gorawl grefyddol a'r symffoni (1730-1910) . :1volume;.
Bonynge R..  2020.  Chalet Monet : inside the home of dame Joan Sutherland and Richard Bonynge..
Horn CE, Kassler M.  2020.  Charles Edward Horn's memoirs of his father and himself . :1volume;.
Chaplin F.  2020.  Charlotte Gainsbourg : transnational and transmedia stardom /. :1volume:.
Watt P, Scott DB, Spedding P.  2020.  Cheap print and popular song in the nineteenth century : a cultural history of the songster /. :1volume:.
Wright A.  2020.  Cheer up! : British musical films, 1929-1945 /. :1volume:.
Harley J, Ashbee A, Lovegrove W., Alford M.  2020.  The cheque books of the Chapel Royal : with additional material from the manuscripts of William Lovegrove and Marmaduke Alford /. :1onlineresource..
Leve J, Ruwe DRae.  2020.  Children, childhood, and musical theater . :1onlineresource..
Gonzales C.  2020.  Chilly Gonzales über Enya . 10:96Seiten.
Zhuo S.  2020.  The Chinese zheng zither : contemporary transformations /. :1volume;.
Tracey H.  2020.  Chopi musicians : their music, poetry and instruments /. :1volume:.
Rink J.  2020.  Chopin . :1onlineresource..
Willis P.  2020.  Chopin in Britain . :1volume;.
Willemetz J..  2020.  Chopin, la Pologne et notre monde : Chopin, Polska i nasz swiat = Chopin, Poland and our world /. :223pages:.
[Anonymous].  2020.  A Choral Centenary : Sydney Philharmonia 1920-2020 /.
Abraham I.  2020.  Christian punk : identity and performance /. :1onlineresource..
Abraham I.  2020.  Christian punk : identity and performance /. :viii,227pages;.
Mitchell A, Poulton AJ.  2020.  A chronicle of first broadcast performances of musical works in the United Kingdom, 1923-1996 : performances of musical works in the United Kingdom, 1923-1996 /. :1volume..
Ferenc L, Klára H.  2020.  A cigányokról és magyarországi zenéjükről . :195.
Tamás H.  2020.  Cigányzenészek mozgalma a boldog békeidők Magyarországán . :176.
Rudbäck N.  2020.  Circumscribing tonality : upper secondary music students learning the circle of fifths.
Studwell WE, Conrad CP, Schueneman BR.  2020.  Circus songs : an annotated anthology /. :1onlineresource.
