Recent Publications in Music
Coros y danzas : folk music and Spanish nationalism in the early Franco regime (1939-1953) /. :x,202pages:.
2023. Count me in! : resources for making music inclusively with children and young people with learning difficulties.. :1onlineresource.
2023. Cultural capital and parental involvement : a comparison of students' music participation between Beijing and Hong Kong /. :1onlineresource(xv,163pages):.
2023. .
2023. The Cambridge companion to composition . :xxiv,334pages:.
2024. The Cambridge companion to women composers . :xxv,348pages:.
2024. The Cantigas de Santa Maria : power and persuasion at the Alfonsine court /. :xlvii,255pages:.
2024. A cappella arranging 2.0 : the next level /. :x,435pages:.
2024. Cathedral rituals and chanting practices among the medieval orthodox Slavs - Kondakarnoie Pienie : the Forefeast, Christmas and Epiphany cycles /. Band 25:255pages:.
2024. .
2024. .
2024. Charles Villiers Stanford : man and musician /. 15:730pages:.
2024. Chuco punk : sonic insurgency in El Paso /. :xii,169pages:.
2024. Closer than ever : the unique six-decade songwriting partnership of Richard Maltby, Jr. and David Shire /. :xvi,311pages:.
2024. Coded lyrics : the poetics of Argentine rock under censorship and beyond /. new series 31:179pages;.
2024. Composing for silent film . :xiii,122pages:.
2024. .