Recent Publications in Music
De-colonization, heritage, & advocacy : an Oxford handbook of applied ethnomusicology, volume 2 /. :x,346pages:.
2019. Decomposed : the political ecology of music /. :xii,316pages:.
2019. Diction in context : singing in English, Italian, German, and French /. :1onlineresource.
2019. .
2019. The digital score : musicianship, creativity and innovation /. :xxii,227pages:.
2019. .
2019. Disney Theatrical Productions : producing Broadway musicals the Disney way /. :1onlineresource.
2019. Do you remember house? : Chicago's queer of color undergrounds / :xiv,334pages:.
2019. .
2019. Dreams of Germany : musical imaginaries from the concert hall to the dance floor /. volume 18:xii,307pages:.
2019. Einstein on the beach : opera beyond drama /. :1onlineresource(xxxvi,314pages):.
2019. .
2019. Embodying voice: singing Verdi, singing Wagner.. :xiii,156pages.
2019. Embodying voice : singing Verdi, singing Wagner /. :xiii,156pages:.
2019. .
2019. The evolving animal orchestra : in search of what makes us musical /. :xviii,139pages:.
2019. Experiencing Debussy : a listener's companion /. :xxi,133pages;.
2019. Experimentation in improvised jazz : chasing ideas /. :xi,192pages;.
2019. Extreme exoticism : Japan in the American musical imagination /. :xiv,623pages:.
2019. .
2019. Film, music, memory . :viii,278pages:.
2019. The Flamingos : a complete history of the doo-wop legends /. :viii,240pages;.
2019. Flow : the rhythmic voice in rap music /. :xl,248pages:.
2019. Focus : choral music in global perspective /. :1onlineresource(xxvii,228pages):.
2019. Focus: music and religion of Morocco . :xiv,162pages:.